Yes, another Newbie question..

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Aug 31, 2010
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First off I have been lurking for a few weeks and have not posted to the Newbie thread which I will but I have a question. I started a "Kit" wine Suncal White Zin and the directions stated to cover the plastic primary with seran wrap for 2-10 days, I never stired the must after I put the plastic on and for the first day I had some foaming but then it kinda stopped I could still see some bubbling but not foaming. I went ahead and secured the plastic cover on and lock after 5 days and now I am getting a little action going in the airlock. One of my questions is should I be stirring the must while it is fermenting? Should I go ahead and transfer it into the carboy the SG is still above 1.020 it was 1.045 and when I started it was 1.076. Thanks in advance for a great site.
Dont rack it until it at least hits an sg of 1.020 or it may be to active and blow the airlock. If there is no fruit in there then the only reason to stir it is to get more 02 into which is good in the beginning but not good near the end unless you are having problems with it not fermenting. Towards the end you want it to finish and also have a layer of C02 built up over the wine to protect it.
Thanks Wade so I should maybe check the SG tomorrow and see where it is? I stared the batch on the 7th of Sept. so the cover has been on since the 12th... stir or not (No fruit) just concentrated juice.
I'm now also wondering what I can do to bump up the flavor now that I have read some threads about Suncal, would I add fruit after the first racking? Or am I to late to do anything to make it better? Thanks again
If its going ok then just leave it and you can either rack when sg gest below 1.020 or you could ferment to dry with airlock on bucket, thats what I usually do unless its a fruit that oxidizes easily like apple or pear.
You could make an f-pack after stabilizing with both sulfite and sorbate and make sure the sg us stable for a few days before doing this.
Well checked the SG today and it was at 1.010 so I went ahead and racked it to a 5 gal. glass carboy hope to get some pics for you all to see.
Older post I know but this wine is WEAKKKKKK & Bitter can I get a recipe for an F-Pack for this putrid tasting wine? SunCal White Zin
Maybe you could get another can and add it so that you have the taste of the wine you are looking for. Thats why i cant stand these SunCal concentrates.
Hey Wade I was thinking about that but then the wine would go through another fermentation if I add another can right? Or since the yeast is no longer there it would just add the juice and make it sweeter?