"Yeasty" Aftertaste

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This is probably citric acid which I know some use to clean barrels. At any rate, I would heed the warning. I normally use tartaric acid (naturally occurring in grapes) to adjust my PH.

I have tartaric as well, but it would seem a blend is more popular in fruit wines? well, actually, I have ALL THREE acids, so I suppose I could blend them myself!
Xandra--You're welcome. I like to enpower people and the best way to do that is to teach them things so that they can rely on themselves.

Regarding acid blend---We use it in our wines. I've never heard of such a thing as to only use it for cleaning!! Citric acid can be used in SOME wines post ferment to brighten up a flabby wine but you have to be very careful in how much you use. Citric acid alone can present some problems in certain ferments which is probably the reason for the warning.

Don't be afraid of Montrachet. It has such a nice fruity profile for fruit wines. We even use it on our Niagara and Concord wine too! Just step-feed the nutrient and you'll have no problems with it. However, be aware it's a BIG foamer--so leave at least 18" of headspace in your vat for all the foam or else it will overflow.

nickweg---remove the stems before freezing. Kind of tough to remove them when dealing with mushy strawberries after they thaw.
Thanks Turock! You have been amazing. I appreciate all the help. This forum is full of great people!

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
nick--No problem. Any time you need help, don't be afraid to ask. I'd rather have people ask questions BEFORE they do things than trying to fix problems after the deed is done!