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Senior Member
Oct 3, 2011
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Started my first kit on Sat. evening. sg was 1.085, everything seems to be going great, last night sg1.040. I have to go out of town leaving Friday evening,till Tuesday afternoon. Would I be able to rack to a carboy a little early if the sg is not in the correct range? I still have 2 days so it may be there, I'm hoping.

Thanks, everyone has been great and this site is the place to go to!
If you are at 1.040 now - you should be ok to rack on friday. You might be a bit high - but give a good stir before racking. This will make sure that the yeast do not get left behind.

Also - give yourself enough head room - because you might still have a very active fermenation going.
Another alternative is to put an airlock on the lid of the primary bucket and snap the lid down tightly. Some of us occasionally do both primary and secondary fermentation in the "primary fermenter." As Jon said, give it a good stirring before snapping down the lid. You have choices and both will work.
Thanks, I was hoping it be ok. If the range is still high, I will leave the extra headroom. Just don't want to mess up our first wine. My wife and I are having a great time. Got more kits to start when we get back.

Another question, I want to bulk age, do I use a solid bung or just use the airlock?