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Senior Member
May 14, 2006
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I started the Mosti Mondiale Renaissance "Amarone" Kit last evening, taking special care as to follow all instructions. While I waited for the Bentonite to soak for 30 minutes, the yeast was to be placed in warm water and also soaked for 15 minutes. So, watching my time, I started the yeast about ten minutes left of the Bentonite soaking. As I stirred in the Bentonite, and checked my was 62 degrees. I needed 70-76. So, I placed the heater wrap on the fermenter, took some juice out and placed it on the kitchen stove and warmed it to 100 degrees. Adding it to the bucket I turned out to a 70 degrees.

Now,my worry is this: The yeast packet said "NOT" to allow the yeast to sit in it's water longer than suggested. This yeast sat for one hour and 25 minutes. I did place the yeast bowl in a bowl of warm water and covered it with a paper towelto keep it warm while I adjusted the temperature of the juice.

This morning, as I looked at the fermenter bucket, I'm not for sure if there is any action. Do I have reason to worry?

I will check it this afternoon after work to see if there is any action. too! Thanks!
I wouldn't worry a bit about it. If anything it would have started to multiply-which is a good thing. At the temp of 70, it will probably take a full day or more to get showing activity. Hold in there and it will be bubgbling happily away before you know it.
Hakuna Matata ---------------------------------No worries!!!!!
js: I always leave my yeast well over an hour. I mix one cup of must with one cup of warm water, let sit for 1-3 hours.. Shouldn't be a problem...
Now I have read diffrent stories about mixing the yeast up as to just sprinkling on top...Have any of you personally seen an advantage either way?
I have always made a yeast starter. I don't know if this is right or wrong, but it has always worked for me? Benny did you get the photos????
You are all right! YES! I have gotten off work and checked the fermentation. It is bubbling and smells FANTASTIC! Just a worry wart!
Thanks you all!
I believe that either way is fine with doing a starter or sprinkling on
top. Most kits just have you sprinkle on top and the pros say to do it
that way then it works for me.The only time I ever had a problem with
yeast was the time I sulfited the @#$% out of it by accident the first
time I used powdered instead of tablets.Whooooooops!
bmorosco said:
Now I have read different stories about mixing the yeast up as to just sprinkling on top...Have any of you personally seen an advantage either way?

I always re-hydrated the yeast as per the manufacturer instructions on the package until I learned a few years ago from the pros like Tim V that sprinkling works just as well. I now only sprinkle the yeast on top of the must and have seen no difference at all except for the time I use to spend re-hydrating.

Pitch the yeast it knows what to do!!!
Excellent news!

I will throw my voice with masta. Just sprinkle the yeast on top. They know what to do and you minimize the chances of killing the yeast.
kutya said:
I have always made a yeast starter. I don't know if this is right or wrong, but it has always worked for me? Benny did you get the photos????

Yes thank you...That looks simple enough.....I will give it a try ..another good side project for my son and I......Thank You..