Winter is here.

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Senior Member
Jun 15, 2010
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central Nebraska
Wish I knew how to post pics. We have most of a winters snow, that is enough snow for a winter, that arrived over night. Been so nice without the white stuff this year, and now we are paying for it. Can't get out the back door, can still use the front door. Going to have to get some food in me and get out the four wheeler. I imagine it will be a rest of the day pushing and pushing. Don't know if there is going to be enough room to push it all. Arne.
I've been waitng, Arne. I bought a snow blade for my ATV last year (Feb 2011) because the snow had piled up so much. I needed it. That snow melted while I was waiting for my blade to arrive. Since I installed it, we have not had enough snow to cover the ground!

A year without any accumulated snow?!! Unbelievable! I've lived here my whole life, and have never seen the like. However, there's still time for us to get blasted. Feb/March are usually the worst for us.

Stay safe (& warm) and keep pushing around the white stuff. :sm
LOL, Dave,
I have pushed a lot of snow with my Atv. Most of it has been pretty easy. Today's was somthin else. You could push it, the bottom layer was pretty much slush. Pretty soon you would geton top of the slush and keep pushin. Then a little further and the tires would break thru. Stuck. Dig a little and get out, start again and after a little stuck again. It was so much fun, sure glad the snow stopped and I am pretty well done. The 4wd 4wheeler does a pretty decent job. This stuff was pretty overwhelming for the little guy. I am not sure how much we got, but there was at least a foot most places when you started pushing. Oh, I think I forgot to say we had 40 to 50 mph winds last night to hellp it along. Anyway a lot of it melted from the bottom up today. Where we got it off it was just wet. If not on pavement, we were on mud. Anyway, the snow is done for now, maybe more Tuesday, and we just go on, Just another day in Nebr. Hey the good thing is we didn't loose power for more than a few seconds. It gets pretty interesting when you loose it for a month or so this time of year. ( we had that a few years ago and do not want to go thru it again.) Take care all, Arne.
Not sure Wade, but somewhere around a foot. It was heavy and wet, but still drifted just to keeplife interesting. Sun is shining today, really bright out coming off all the snow. Arne.

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