Wines from juice

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Senior Member
Jun 21, 2008
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When making wine from steam juiced fruit, do I need to worry as much about the first racking off the gross lees? Since there is little vegetative matter to rot in the solution I figure you can let it go a while longer on the lees. What do the experts think?
You know I dont use one YET.

I would still treat it as though it was from fresh fruit. Meaning adding all the chemicals as you would normally do. Do additions at the timing you are used to do.
Rack @ 1.010 or so
I'm still following the guidelines I learned, but it makes sense (to me) that if there is no matter to rot, then you could leave it on the lees a little longer since the yeast still have sugar to feed on.

Get you that juicer Tepe
Gaudet, I rack the steamed juice fruit wines and meads at about 1010 or so depending on fast the fermentation is going. If its fermenting fast I'll let it continue and rack a little later. Slower ones I want to get in glass so its protected.
Dont forget that there is a lot of dead east cells in there and you want to get your wine out of their before the yeast run out of sugar and start canibalzing the dead yeast cells as that will give your wine an off smell and taste.