Wine Biscuits

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I have and they are awesome. I first tried them at a local winery.
They look good and am gonna try them. Hope you don't mind. I made your link "clickable" for ya.
Dont mind at all, thought it was!
Tell us what they taste like???

Since working at Spec's....I get the fringe benefit of bringing home expired cheese....I know that sounds bad....but cheese has a long shelf life if stored properly. Tonight I brought home some Wisconsin cheddar and a spreadable cheese with figs and walnuts and some sweet onion dill crackers!!!!! Nothing wrong with them....just past selling date.


Expired Cheese Rocks!!!Edited by: rgecaprock
To be honest I havent had them in about 6 months so cant really say but I do remember they are awesome and will be placing an order Friday.
Lucky dog Ramona............

I have to pay extra to get aged cheese......
Wade, I ordered me a bag of each as well. Look forward to trying them out.
When I saw the title of this post, I thought immediately of the "Wine Biscuits" (cookies) that I used to buy when I lived in New Zealand -- I never had any idea why the name referenced "wine".

Then I found this link and found out - for the first time - why they called them "Wine" biscuits.... they used to store the flour in wine barrels.

No one ever served them with wine... although I kept expecting them to... no wonder I got funny looks when I did!

Mystery solved. Now I can sleep at night! Thanks Wade for stirring me to actually looking that up.
I bought a bag of each. They are quite tasty. A bit pricey for what you get though.