where is springtime

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You folks up north must have a serious case of cabin fever by now!

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
Ya wanna know how we feel with all the snow and cold?
81 today. I don't mind seeing some warmer weather but I am not quite ready for summer. It's supposed to come back down to spring like temps next week. I hope so!

Quit hogging all that warm air - send some up here to the prairies.
Warm air is on the way. You will know it when you see it. It will be YELLOW!

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
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No sun today but no snow either. The brown is gone and the green is back!

Just rubbing it in a bit. Cheers!

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
Yep, the green is back here, too. As I tell my Northern relatives, springtime is on its way toward you. For the past week, driving just 25 miles north or south of my farm made a huge difference in the landscape. I've mowed my yard once already and a good rain last night will really get things going now. Spent all day Sunday getting the garden tractor ready for another mowing season.
My kitchen is full of pepper and tomato plants.
It's hitting the 60s/70s here, but nights are still getting down to 40s.

I'm ready to get all these plants out and get back to making more wine!
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It was nice enough to take the boat out last week

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I remember the first spring that I lived in that neck of the woods. I moaned "What the hell is THAT? It's everywhere!" The natives were like "It's pine pollen..... IDIOT!" :sm