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Aug 12, 2004
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A place for people to let other people know where they're from:

I'm from Cleveland Heights, Ohio.
Born and raised out in the woods near a community called Thida, Arkansas. About 20 miles from here. It started out as a hideout area for bank robbers, thieves, train robbers, outlaw gangs, moonshiners, etc., and still has a bad reputation to this day. Marijuana was grown out there by the field fulls and harvested by the truckloads in the 60's and 70's. Meth was bad out there in the 90's. There are also alot of good God-fearing folks out there too. The county still hasn't paved any roads leading there. Thida is not an actual town, even though it has a post office, but more of a widespread community. I used to ride my red Shetland pony, Sassafras, to the general store which is about 7 miles from where our home was. He would chase everyone off the store porch trying to get their tobacco. I would get us both a Mtn. Dew and a Snickers and him a plug of Kentucky Twist chewing tobacco, and he would chew it all the way back home without swallowing it. He wouldn't allow a bridle or saddle placed on him, one just rode bareback, hugging his haunches with our legs, and hanging on to his mane. He knew where everywhere was, including church, so no need to rein him, just tell him where you wanted to go. We could not keep him in a pasture or barn, he could open anything, including the doors on the house. He got in the house one saturday afternoon while us boys were gone swimming and my Momma was baking apple pies. He chased her around the house after a pie and then bit her on one breast. My Father came home that night and shot him with the 30 caliber rifle. I still miss him very much.

Don't cry, Martina.
I was born in Dayton Texas back when they still had a hospital lived in Liberty TX mostly lived in Borneo for 6 years and have a house in Kinnifick now its a small community out side of Dayton.
I'm from Norman, Okalhoma (home of the Sooners!), refined in Canon City, Colorado where I graduated from High School. I worked at the Royal Gorge Bridge in the summers and loved talking to the Big City Folks who didn't know the difference between a calf and a deer. I graduated College in Pueblo, Colorado and came to Texas just as quick as I could get here! We ain't got the beautiful mountains of Colorado or the great lakes and fishing of Arkansas, but we have a fabulous living and we go to those places regular. The town I live in now, is a little smaller than most excpt for Glenvalls home town. We have no paved roads, but we do have about 65 people in our zip code!
Sorry CW but I know what my Grannie would have done.
O'Kay, by now you already know that I am from Hawaii. Born and raised on the island of O'ahu. Honolulu is the capital of the state. We presently have eight (8) islands. Of course that really depends on who you ask. Presently I think that there are approximately over 100 islands being developed below the sea due to active volcanoes creating them. When that will happen who really knows.

I grew up on O'ahu in a casual way. Blue jeans, cut-tee shirts and barefooted. My first car was a rusted-out 49 Ford. It was "cool" though, cuz I had big old "moon-discs" on the rims. That really makes a difference you know! Those days we never locked our doors. Everyone had the same type of locks, the old "skeleton key." (One size fits all.)

My early years before I became a teenager, "night-life" was not heard of. My night exposure was restricted to school football games on Saturday nights. Hadda be home on the last trolley or else. (that was at 10 pm.) Once I got to high school and had my own wheels, my life really changed. Much thanks goes to my "typing Teacher" who paved the way....

Well here I am on the island of Maui now...been here since 1970. This island has really grown. In 1990 the poplulation was around 25K and since 2000 I believe it is well over100K people. In the old days, the policeman would go around and manually shut the streetlights down until 5am. (saving energy you know!) All the stores including restuarants (if you knew where they were) closed at 5pm. If you didn't eat dinner by then...fasting was in order until morning when they opened again...usually around 8am., or later, depending what the restaurant owner did the night before.

And now, well it's like any other big city type place in the world, "peak hour traffic, fast food chains, hotels, more hotels, more traffic, more crime...much more people moving here." And the people that move here (usually after their third visit) quickly adapt to the Hawaiianlife style. Their hair begins to darken as well as their tan. They smile more and no longer rush about. And they even start "talking like us." We're really glad that they do come!

There are still two (2) types of "life styles" here. The refusing to change locals, and the people who are labeled as "snow birds" that migrate due to seasonal changes back home. All is really good here if you focus on your roots and try to live "within" your means. No local people really worry about tomorrow...itgently introduces itselfas you awaken from a good night sleep of less care of what happened while you were asleep.

Peoplewho visit Hawaiiare generally quite amused to the"Hawaiian life style." Our clock time here is referred to as.."Hawaiian Time." We do what we can today... and that's it. Tomorrow is another day.

I could go on and on and on....but tomorrow is another day!
Edited by: Maui Joe
I was born on Nantucket Island Massachusettes, flown home at 3 days old
to Falmouth, Cape Cod Mass. went to New Jersey at age 19 to seek my
fortune, left after 13 years to New Hampshire, 2 years later moved to
Maine to raise my children in the country have been here 19 years (that
all adds up to 52 years)
HI...I live in Warren ,Minnesota [Northwestern part of Mn.] were we have 10 months of winter and 2 months of poor sleding.....I love the small town thing.....like people ask how are you doing and really listen when you tell them.
Some people that migrated and presently live here do eat horses, and dogs as well...
Ooops. Sorry.

I know the native Americans also did, but I just could not.
I would not either...I truly hope that I never did even if I didn't know it...and hope that I will never have to.

No worries CW, my granny never did that I know, she loved potatoes and sweet yams and fish, pork, beef...ah?
I love fish and any seafood, including sushi.

Remember the rumour a few years ago that McD's was experimenting with horse meat?
I heard about that, we do have sorta a "drive thru" type of McD's on the island of Molokai. I heard that they serve hamburgers using "deer meat." I ate there a few times when I use to hunt on that island. Didn't find it different from beef the way they prepared it. They got herds of deer and goats, etc. But horse meat...yuk
I love venison (deer meat). I have bunches in the fridge and especially like to make jerky and chili with it.
People in Eastern Europe eat horsemeat. It is supposedly quite tasty. I have never tried it, and never well. Just as I would never eat Bambi or a cute little lamb.

Or a bunny rabbit. I used to be a rabbit raiser (show rabbits) when I was in 5th grade. I ate rabbit once, but puked it back up when the meal was finished. I was at my in-laws for the very first time ever and they made rabbit. I was in a bind and didn't want to offend anyone. My husband just stared at me while I swallowed the meat like I was a saint.

At least he appreciated my sacrifice!

BTW, the rabbit tasted terrible to me. I am sure others would disagree with me, and I am sure they are right, but I will never, ever again eat it as long as I live. No matter who makes it.Edited by: MedPretzel

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