What's the secret to siphoning?

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Dec 9, 2009
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Western New York
I am clueless on the procedure for using the siphon hose. How to start the flow, etc. Can someone give me a Siphoning 101 lesson? What to use with the siphon hose? Is there a utube out there that shows how to do it?
Get yourself a "Auto Siphon"
Stick you racking cane in the carboy and attach the other hose to your pump and turn on the vacuum pump button and your done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:h
Must be nice to have deep pockets for all the cool toys :D

J/K I an sure you can get a pump pretty cheap. I like my auto siphon just fine though.
The wine making kit that I bought, on the primary bucket near the bottom, maybe one or two inches up from the bottom has a simple valve on it that I can hook up my hose. Then the other end has the bottle filler with the put to start the flow, and to stop you just lift the hose up an inch or so. But to get from the carboy back to the primary for botting, I suck,lol
The wine making kit that I bought, on the primary bucket near the bottom, maybe one or two inches up from the bottom has a simple valve on it that I can hook up my hose. Then the other end has the bottle filler with the put to start the flow, and to stop you just lift the hose up an inch or so. But to get from the carboy back to the primary for botting, I suck,lol

That's neat. I do like the auto siphon now that the concept of connecting a hose to it, sticking one end in the liquid and pumping has been realized. Just using the hose with the sucking method always left puddles of wine on the counter, the floor, and me and amused the wife tremendusly.:h
I also looked it up and say that there a two sizes, small and a bigger one. Witch one would be better?
I have the bigger one :slp.
It racks faster. I believe the smaller one will fit in the 1 gal jug the larger one will not.
I have the autosiphon as well and though it works great it seems slow, especially when doing the racking from primary to secondary when you aren't too too worried about disturbing much of the sediment.

I found this fellow's videos on Youtube and not only does he do great videos, but on this one I've linked to below I noticed his siphon. I've since found it on eBay, called "Simple Siphon", and ordered one for about $9. 3 gallons per minute and cool factor by only having to shake it to get it going.

If you are looking in the video for it, forward to about 3 mins 45 seconds or so.
Sorry, was going to post the youtube link but the spam filter wont' let me as I have too few posts.
Go to Youtube, find "Home Brewing Wine Part 3" by username Craigtube. 3:45 into that video is the siphon.
While you're on You Tube check out the dumba@s teenager that explains how he failed at siphoning gasoline.

Reminded me of the Einstein that used a vacuum to siphon gas from a car. Once the fumes reached the motor, you guessed it, his car went up in flames.
Yes there are 2 sizes with the auto siphon, a 3/8" and a 1/2". I have the 3/8" as thats what all my hoses are and I like it cause I can use it in m y gallon jugs also. I dont do 1 gallon batches but I do use them a lot due to making 1bout 7 gallons when I start for topping up purposes later.