What's for Dinner?

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...Did not fall out the back of a truck. Well it actually kinda did. ...

Hey... Is youse woiking my side of da street???????

Left over Prime Rib tonight. Saturday I put it on the smoker at 11am at 220°. Removed it at 5pm when it reached 135°. Let it rest for 30 minutes then put it on the grill at 600° for five minutes on each side. It was so good and I only used a fork to cut it. The roast was 17lbs so I cut two pieces off of it and froze them for later.

Left over Prime Rib tonight. Saturday I put it on the smoker at 11am at 220°. Removed it at 5pm when it reached 135°. Let it rest for 30 minutes then put it on the grill at 600° for five minutes on each side. It was so good and I only used a fork to cut it. The roast was 17lbs so I cut two pieces off of it and froze them for later.

My son and I were talking Saturday night about that exact program. Reverse sear on a rare prime rib. Looks like it worked great. :HB
It's Fryday, it's pizza night. Had made some fettuccine with portabella mushroom sauce on Wednesday, and every meal since then, including Thursday breakfast featured the pasta. So I needed some protein.


My neighbors gave me almost 40lbs of tomatoes the other day. With what I had before, I know have a total of 3 gallons of Pizza/other sauce, in giant jars tucked in the back of the fridge. When you make you're own sauce from fresh tomatoes, you can never go back to anything less. :r
Shrimp Fra Diavolo and some Pepperidge Farm garlic bread. Simple, easy, good.
Com'on, two days and no new food? You have forced me to beat you into submission with more Friday pizza.

Picture 1 - my wife takes the summer off from cooking, but during the school year I get home too late to make pizza dough, unless I do it the night before. But the night before I was destroying a bottle of wine, so had no interest in making pizza dough. She had 5 raised terraces of joy in this crust. The mark of perfectly developed gluten. Only took 5 sessions of crust making, but she's back on her "A" game.

Pictures 2 and 3 - been dieting this week. Lost 8 pounds in 3 days, gives you a clue how overweight I've become. Always work on the waist just before a doctors visit. So I went meat lovers pizza to satisfy my craving. Pepperoni, smoked ham, chicken w/onions and green peppers (used for chicken cheese steaks earlier in the week), fresh garlic and grilled onions. Done using the convection setting in the oven @ 525*F (want to warm the house up, supposed to be in the 30's tomorrow night). Pan has holes in the bottom, crust turned out perfectly crisp, yet chewy in the center. Paired it with a 6 month old Pinot Grigio made this Spring. I'm in heaven, I think.



Well, had a nice dinner tonight. Today was my birthday, so I decided I wanted to cook something decadent and delectable for dinner. I decided on a kind of surf & turf. I had a grass-fed ribeye steak from a local farm in the freezer. From the local indie grocer, I got a salmon steak (that is, a 1.5"-thick cross-wise slice through the whole fish). I grilled both of these on a smoking hot grill. To (literally) top this off, I made a béarnaise sauce. This was the first béarnaise sauce I have made (although it is not that different than a hollandaise sauce, which I have made before.) However, I made this the "modern" way -- put the egg yolks in a blender, and add the butter to it while pulsing the blender. Much easier than whisking. It came out from the blender a bit thin, but I heated it on the stovetop to about 150F, and it thickened up immensely. Still, it takes some care to get it right!! My wife made roasted artichoke, and also roasted carrots with a garlic/ginger/scallions salsa that was better than everything else!! This was all very heavenly.
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