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Today I racked my Apricot Port, Welches Competition Wine, and sulphited/sorbated my Hot Pepper Wine. They are all looking mighty fine if you ask me!

Also found out that I have an infection in my vein where they put the big friggin' needle from my surgery. Then proceeded to shove it in and out nearly a dozen times to get it 'just right'. 'Oh that's why my wrist is so swollen!' Duh Ray, duh.
I finished bottling my muscadine/blackberry jam wine today and sampled some tonight. I am really proud of this wine. It has the muscadine taste but also has the taste of blackberry's (well duh, tha is why i put blackberry jam it in)

The reason I tried this in the first place is I had about 25 pounds of muscadines left over from a batch of muscadine wine I was making. I did not think 25 pounds would give sufficient body so I thought I would add blackberry jam. I had used blackberry jam in a SP before and it turned out good.

I was following Jack Kellers recipe but with only 25 pounds of grapes. I added 5 jars of smuckers seedless. I am glad I did not use more as I think it would have been too acidic.

It is a smooth, fruity wine with just enough sweetness. I think I brought the sg up to about 1.010
That sucks!!! Freaking incompetent bastards, this happens more frequently than people know, makes you want to take that needle and stick them a few times, heck you can justify it like they do by saying "you have very small veins", or my favorite - "I just can't seem to find a vein"? How about getting a pair of bifocals, or perhaps calling someone that knows what they're doing in to replace you!
I wish you a speedy recovery.
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I am sitting around in a drugged haze. Yesterday I had knee surgery to repaid two tears of my meniscus and grind out some bone spurs. Thankfully I work from home. The doc told me I would need to be off work for two weeks. I told him I was going back today he did say okay after I explained work was down the hallway to my computer.

It was really hard to concentrate. I don't understand shy anyone would fell this foggy on purpose.
home after a week of trudging through Disney and Universal. It was a very nice week to spend with the family. Weather was great, but I am now officially Disney-ed out for another year. We did get to do a tasting at Lake Ridge Winery in central Florida. But we are now home (be it ever so humble).

Off to Ohio for work tomorrow, then Christmasing until friday.
Made muffins with my Daughter, then built a tent fort in the living room. Wrapped the family gifts, followed by The Little Mermaid and naps. Played 'catch' inside the house, then had dinner.

Watched The Lone Ranger after the kids were in bed and we laughed like a couple of two-year-olds. Had a few grown-up beverages, and popcorn with seasoning salt, cayenne pepper & fresh Parmesan cheese with the movie. Yum!
...................Watched The Lone Ranger after the kids were in bed and we laughed like a couple of two-year-olds. Had a few grown-up beverages, and popcorn with seasoning salt, cayenne pepper & fresh Parmesan cheese with the movie. Yum!

LOL, my husband and I watched the Lone Ranger last night as well. For the low ratings it got, we thought it was pretty good.
Stirring my High Bush Cranberry wine in the Primary,7 more days before racking into the Secondary,taste a little tart,maybe just a new wine flavor.we will see.
Five days post knee scoping, kids are coming over for Christmas. No pain meds, besides Ibuprofen for two days. Almost walking normal again and even better, it doesn't feel like there is a knife poking me with every step. I rode my exercise bike for 2 miles at a very slow pace yesterday. I can't wait for PT to begin, so I can drive again.

Let the wine drinking commence. I did wander down to the wine area and tell the ladies aging down there that I hadn't forgotten them and still loved them. My wife laughed at me.