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Doug, I cant imagine how it feels when they move out, we are a super close family, we still do a lot together, my kids are 20 and 21, and I dread the day they decide to move out.

Tom, Doug, Both my kids moved out when they went to collage. When my daughter graduated 7 years ago she got an apartment with 3 other girls. She hasn't lived at home for 8 years, she got married this summer. My daughter and her husband sold their house and havn't found another one yet. They moved in my house 3 weeks ago. I love having them here, dread the day they move out again. My son has an apartment with 2 other guys. Sometimes I don't see him for weeks at a time, except when we bottle wine and he gets to take a case home. Lol, Bakervinyard
I'm going to crush the necessary grains to brew another batch of Beer, A cascade Blonde Ale, an APA, restocking the inventory that has been depleted over the past 2 months, after this brew, I plan on making a Hoptimum clone, followed by a Helles Bock.......I know, I know, this Wine Making Talk, not Home Brew Talk...lol, but I have to do something as I wait for wine to age!
Sitting in a cafe, drinking espresso & eating chocolate croissant, trying to mark student papers, but getting sidetracked with the forumz!
Oh and after a bit of rain the sun has come out outside, chilly wind but might turn out to be a nice day after all...
Bottles sanitizing for bottling the Cranberry Pomegranate. My project on Saturday got cancelled until next year, so I was going to stop in at Luva Bella and pick up a bucket or two. Eh, I have no glass for them anyhow. I'll start another batch of Pee....
Ok time to catch up. 14 people for thanks giving dinner good time together with the family eat, drink, fall asleep on the couch.:) Then that Friday bottled 25 liters of Shiraz. Then Saturday built another rack for the basement since I was running out of storage. Sunday labeled the Shiraz and layed them down, Oh tasted one also (yum) :: Monday back to work trying to make up for the time off (boring) :sl Tuesday night my daughter came over to cut my hair (deduct 1 bottle of Shiraz) :? Thursday night a trip to the eye doctor for a new prescription (sucks getting old) :m Today just trying to make through the day so I can get back to the wine making this weekend, gonna rack the wedding wine (pinot nior) and the syrah, bottle the cab sauv and try to pick up a couple of juice buckets. :hug
Staying home for the 3rd day in a row supposedly studying for finals, but ended up racking and starting a new wine :)
I am celebrating F-off Friday at work.
So far 2 hours in, I have done nothing!
When I get home I have to rack Choco-Rasp & Pinot Noir to secondary (not real secondary, just carboy fermentation).

Getting snow blower ready for a weekend storm!
Friday is always Pizza and Wine night. we will be sampling a local winery's Stonegria and a Padre Sunrise (which appears to be a Catawba, concord, vidal blend). Just going to stay in and let the storm pass this evening and we have no where to go tomorrow. I may even blow off work on Sunday.
i cracked open a bottle of 59 year old whiskey....going to have a shot are two, and go sear some steaks, maybe me.....
Well finished the deer hunt for the year. We figured 9 was more than enough. It was a good year and a great hunt. The odd part was we didn't see or shoot a single buck. All does and fawns. Oh well, that's how it goes some times. I only connected with a big doe.
I am cleaning computer hard drive,defraging,installing new linux system and
hooking up my new a/v reciever, and adding some wireless speakers.
I am going to finish making a (rather simple) piece of furniture, and then prepare for a neighborhood party I am hosting. And when I say "prepare," I mean "make a port and buy booze." ::
Picked up Christmas trees today! Will let them thaw, then decorate with the kids tomorrow.

Hubby made me get a little tree this year - only 7 feet tall. Boo! Lol.
Heading out to visit with owners of urban wineries in the Seattle area. Learning a TON about the Washington wine industry here.