What Labels to Use

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Senior Member
Feb 1, 2007
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I have been using Avery Labels for my wine, but they are a pain to get
back off when your done drinking the wine! What is
another way to put the labels on the bottles that come off easy when
your done and want to re-use the bottle.
I use Avery too Mharris and have never had a bit of problem getting them offf. The ones I use are the full sheet, 8-1/2 x 11
Use an inkjet printer, give the labels a light coat of shellac, then use a glue stick to put them on your bottles. Works great! If you have a laser printer, you don't need the shellac.
I use plain printer paper, cut them to size...use the glue stick....No problems...they come off when you want them to under the faucet.
Thank all of you. I will try the glue stick and see if it works for me.

Waldo, I also use the 8 1/2 X 11 avery and they work good, but hate to get them off the bottle.
I found that if you run a bead of gluestick just down the sides of the label, it stays nice and flat.
I like using plain paper more than the actual labels. I find that they do come off easier althought it takes more time to cut them out. Are you using the gluesticks that start out purple so you can see where the glue is then fade to clear? I haven't used them yet but I will to make sure I get to the edges of the paper.

I am working on a label printer proto that you can load your design into from your PC and using the light scribe technology it will burn the label onto the wine bottle. I just about have all the kinks worked out and ready to submit a patent. Right now it is taking about 80 seconds to do a 4" x 3" label so not sure if this would be viable for commercial use or not unless I can shorten the burn time considerably. Any investors out there interested? Oh yes, I also have some prime, waterfront,vacation property down in LA and FL I would make someone a good deal on as well as an inside track on a carburator that will burn sediment from wine making
....OK, OK,...Just kiddding !!!!

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