What a year

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Senior Member
Jun 15, 2010
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central Nebraska
Just not a great one for winemaking from my place. Cherries and strawberries both got nipped by frost. Looked like there might be enough cherries for a pie or two but the robins started on them before they were ripe and took all of them. Didn't net them as there were not enough of them to bother. Strawberries were not very thick either, got enough to have some on angelfood cake and ice cream. Have to wait another year for wine from both of them. I Was talking about blackberries and my daughter showed up with a small bush the other day. It had a few berries on it. It sat outside and Kathy was waithing for the berries to get just a bit darker. Robins took them also and have been getting after the few raspberries we have. Fourth of July is coming, maybe the fireworks will scare some of the robins away.
Elderberries are in full bloom around here, and the currants have berries on them that I have to pick. Got some rhubarb in the freezer. Guess we should be thankful for those. Arne.
Wow, sorry.

We are having a great year rain and weather wise. Cooler than normal, which is good. My blueberries have actually been breaking under the weight of the fruit.

But all my Midwestern friends say the weather up there has not been real cooperative this year.

That doesn't make the misery any less, just spreads it around wider.

Don't forget, in a pinch, there's always WELCH'S! :h
Wow Arne, come get some fruit. Cherry harvest has started, the birds are going crazy on mine, and I'll still have more than we can pick and dry. Blueberries are coming on and since the birds are stuffed with cherries, they are leaving them alone. The cool spring seems to have set a strong bloom in the vineyard, and now that it is warmed up, berry set is looking good. Only sad part is that while the peaches bloomed nicely, my one tree doesn't seem to have any fruit at all. Well, then my only pear tree died in the winter from unknown ailment.

Seriously, if you were closer, I'd be happy to share. Have to help out the fellow obsessed. Maybe I can ship you a box of dried cherries to rehydrate?
Wow, sorry.

We are having a great year rain and weather wise. Cooler than normal, which is good. My blueberries have actually been breaking under the weight of the fruit.

But all my Midwestern friends say the weather up there has not been real cooperative this year.

That doesn't make the misery any less, just spreads it around wider.

Don't forget, in a pinch, there's always WELCH'S! :h

Glad you are having a good year. We are getting a small shower this morning, but don't think it is going to amount to much.
I have used store bought juices but generally stick to stuff I have picked. Guess i can always have a skeeter pee year. Arne.
Seriously, if you were closer, I'd be happy to share. Have to help out the fellow obsessed. Maybe I can ship you a box of dried cherries to rehydrate?[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the kind offer, but I will find something to work with. Worst comes to worst I can always drink beer. Bet I have enough wine to get through this, tho. Have 10 gal. cherry from last year that can be bottled one of these days. Have to get my bro. in law to give me some more honey and can get with the meads again. Always something we can ferment. Arne.
Ive already had enough rhubarb to start my second 6 gallon batch, got 40lbs of apples so far and started that wine last week, apricots aare looking great, i think my tree has 500 lbs on it this year, for some reason my peach tree doesnt have as much on it thos year as i would have liked to see, maybe i pruned her a bit to much but i think ill get at least enough for one batch of wine. Strawberrys are very sparse this year, got 5lbs so far to add to my rhubarb wine but thats basically it except what my kids go out and pick to eat. Will be another month or so and i can start harvesting the peaches and apricots.

Ive never made mead before but last year my brother in law started a bee rental company, he rents out his bees to local farmers to pollenAte there crops. Im excited about this because he said the honey ussually comes from a single crop (eg: raspberries, or strawberrys, ect.) so im planning on making a fruit meed to compliment wherever the honey has come from.
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