WineXpert Weak, watery, peach apricot

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Gelu Liber

Aug 16, 2006
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I just finished bottling my very first batch of wine. It was Peach Apricot Chardonnay. I sampled it, of course, and I am finding it rather watery tasting. It is also extremely clear, just a touch more yellow than water. In fact I would defy anyone to be able to tell it was not water in the clear bottles. I followed all of the directions to the letter and documented everything.

Has anyone encountered this and can tell me what I may have done wrong? Is there anything I can do to improve it at this point? I have the white zinfandel to start but I don't want to start it till I have asked.
The Island Mist kits are known to be on the thin side, but I have yet to have anyone describe one as you have. They should produce a wine comparable to an Arbor Mist, light, easy drinking wine.

The obvious first question is how much water did you add when you topped off? Winexpert is anticipating that you add no more than 1 liter of water. If you need more, Winexpert recommends using a similar wine. For that purpose any white will do for a white wine, as will any red for a red wine.

A lot of first time wine makers are too concerned with the sediment on the first racking. As a result, they leave too much wine behind which requires more topping off. I generally get almost the entire 6 gallons from the first racking. The sediment will fall out over the next 3-6 weeks (depending on the kit), so more juice, even if it means more sediment, from the first racking is better than leaving too much wine behind.
It is frighteningly easy to drink. If I were very thirsty I think I could polish off a whole bottle very fast.

When I racked from the bucket to the Carboy I got a lot of sediment. I tipped the bucket up and kept going till I got to the jelly type sediment.

When I added the clearing agents and F-pack I did not need to add water to top up. I siphoned off about 2 liters before I added the f-pack and clearing agents and used it to top up.

I don't know. It tastes ok, just really weak. Maybe it was just a bad first batch and the next will be better.
It could be the low alcohol that is contributing to the weak taste.
I'd agree with Masta. Mist kits only make about 4-6% Alc/vol.
Mist kits made here at Valley Brew are 11.5% - 12% ABV with a helping hand!
First I must warn you that adding extra sugar to your kit or not following the directions will void your warranty if anything goes wrong.

Adding 5 lbs of sugar dissolved in water(heated to a boil then cooled to room temp) to a Island Mist kit works just just fine to bring up the SG of must so you get higher ABV after fermentation.

Is it added when you start or after it is racked in to the carboy? I know that sounds like a dumb question but I am new at this. Is it added to a portion of the water you start with and if so how much water do you recomend to dissolve the sugar into?

Also, can I reduce the amount of water added to get a stronger flavor?
The syrup is added when you make up the batch so it is part of the total 23 L/6 Gal and make sure it cools down to 70-75 degrees F so the must will not be too hot. 3-4 quarts of water is enough to dissolved the sugar...any less and it will be too thick.
I have not reduced the amount of water added to Island Mist kit but have heard of it being done. You take a chance of throwing off the balance of the kit doing this and after you add the F-Pack the wine would be very sweet.

Beside you end up with less wine to drink!
Just a reminder: Island Mist kits are the only ones that are lower in SG to start so don't add any sugar to any of the other kits or you will have real trouble.
Side bar Masta : Do you add acid blend when you add sugar to the mist kits? I've added 2 teaspoons with good out come. Just wandering if you have.
No I have not added any acid blend to any Mist Kits. I did add some lemon juice to my last batch of sugar syrup to make some invert syrup but it really didn't seem to make much difference in the fermentation time.

I have had some batches proceed very slow to completion of fermentation and normally will add a few teaspoons of yeast nutrient which seems to help to keep the fermentation moving.
No just follow the directions regarding transferring to the secondary carboy after 5-7 days when the SG reaches ~1.010.
By adding the sugar willthis make it taste like Mad Dog 20/20. I would rather like to steer clear of that kind of situation. I guess I am being rediculous.