UGH!! Primary ferment stopped at 1.025

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Oct 2, 2013
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Was away for a night and wasn't here to punch down must and keep my eye on things, just got home and what was a bubbling cauldron late Wednesday night is now completely still. Checked SG and its at 1.025. Gave it a good punch down and stir, but doesn't look like there is any more activity from good old RC-212. I'm assuming I have to get another packet of yeast in there asap....
I bet if you shine a flashlight close to the wine, you will see some very fine bubbling going on. I would do that before pitching more yeast. If you do not see fine bubbling, add some yeast nutrient and stir well.
Check your liquid temp, too. 68 is as low as it goes for 212. If you are down in the low 70s, time to get a heating pad and sit the carboy on it or strap it to the side. Bring it up to the mid to upper 70s.

I wouldn't do anything to it until you wait a day and take another SG reading, to be sure it is not still falling.
Stirring and addition of second half of yeast nutrient seems to have got a little action going. Tasted it, not tasting sweet...pretty dry tasting actually, and not very grapey tasting unfortunately...and tastes a little oxidized. Will keep going and see what happens!!
Whatever you do, don't get mad at it and pitch it. You are tasting and smelling a very young wine. It takes time for them to come around. It is still fermenting, suprised you didn't say it was yeasty tasting also, and it will probably ferment down to a dry wine. (less than 1.000) When it does, most but not all folks like to add a little sugar back to it. Sweeten it up a little and it will bring the flavor out. Let it finish, then we can play with it and get it better tasting for you. Arne.
You should never depend on visual activity to determine if a must is still fermenting and once it gets down to 1.020 it is going to slow down so your hydrometer will not move as fast, just be patience.
Thanks all! Will probably rack to demijohn(s) before the end of the weekend, if all goes well. Looks like I might have 1.5 gallons after press, so might have to rig something for the second demi, i.e. load it up with sanitized glass marbles. If I only end up with a gallon and a quarter I'll reserve the extra quarter in the freezer and thaw to add to demi as needed to top her up. Will have to put together a makeshift press, maybe two collanders over a fine strainer into a sanitized stockpot and then immediately racked and air locked.
If this is only after a few days I cannot think that the taste would be due to oxidation. Cannot see how it could have oxidized if you had only just pitched the yeast and started fermentation a few days before.