Mosti Mondiale Time to start this Gran Barolo!

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I would use what you have left over! No brainer in my opinion, I bet they are just used to people not having any extra!
wade said:
I would use what you have left over! No brainer in my opinion, I bet they are just used to people not having any extra!

Done. Used a half-bottle of Sangiovese-Bonarda, then the leftover Granbarolo, then some Blueberry Shiraz! (just a little) - can't wait to confuse the hell out of some wine tasting expert.
You a crazy man! watch, youll probably take best of show with this at Wine Makers mag comp next year so you better document exactly what you just did!
Joel, I have my Barolo in bottles aging. Can't wait to open one of these up and try it!!! yummy!!

How long are you aging them?

Hey Trashy, How is your Barolo coming along?

The instructions say to filter the barolo..... Is there any recommendations or tips about filters? I assume George has them.

Thanks for the video link!!!

I am out of town for work, and I found a filter on craigslist for $50. I think I will grab it tomorrow.

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