this wine making is ridiculous

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Senior Member
Apr 25, 2013
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When I first started reading this forum,and I read where all of you had made all this wine, and you had all this wine in fermentation, I thought you nuts.
My turkey baster is now a wine thief
My potato masher is now a fruit crusher
My paint screen is now my fruit bag.
My tool shed is now my wine making storage unit.
My drill press is now my bottle corker.
And my clothes hanger is now my degasser.
I had to make an excel spread sheet to keep track.
And now I get free sugar coupons from Krogers.
What is next.
We are not tellin ya what is next but if you start dressing up like a freakin grape to drink a glass of wine, I'm kicking you out of here!!!!!!!:ft
NO..BUT i had to tell my maid I was not making bombs. lol
she said, ok..i do not touch that area.
We're never alone, are we. Now if you'll excuse me I'll get back to converting my excel sheet to an access db for faster reference.
damn, julie has a sense of humor, I never knew that. she is always so polite and literate.
My laundry room has been renamed because the only proof of any laundry being done in there are the two machines with all kinds of equipment drying on top of them.
Heck i have only been into this for a few weeks now and already my pantry has been moved to make room for my fermenting wine. My mom's scrapbook room is in real danger of becoming a wine storage vault with its own climate control and i am making plans build a large kitchen island with lots of storage under so that i can keep my carboys organized. A few weeks in and already I am doomed.
The best advice I can give to newbies is to just go ahead and buy a bunch of carboys and then keep adding to them. Most people start with 2, one for a secondary and one to rack into, then they get another idea for their next wine and the second carboy is full so they have to run out and buy another one over and over, just go ahead and get them all and then you can slowly add to your collection. This way your spouse gets over the shock of so many carboys quickly and doesnt really count them so you can add to them later with immunity. WVMJ
We have the yellow common carp that has been imported in the 1800s, fight like a buffalo, we have caught them up to 30 pounds but people say there are bigger ones. Our dad used to take us bass fishing in the morning on the river, then midday they let us kids fish for carp while they played cards, then in the evening it was out in the boat after cats. I always liked catching the bigger carps then anything else. I am glad the others are not up here, our little rivers are nice and productive, I would hate to see what those big filter feeders would do to us. Fishing poles I treat like carboys, the more you have the less the wife counts them:) WVMJ

hey jack, are u getting the asian carp there.
LOL-----once you start making wine, you're never the same. You look at fruit in a WHOLE different way. You're glad you bought a house with a basement because it's no longer a BASEMENT--it's a WINERY. It goes on and on. Funny post---and oh, so true!!
LOL-----once you start making wine, you're never the same. You look at fruit in a WHOLE different way. You're glad you bought a house with a basement because it's no longer a BASEMENT--it's a WINERY. It goes on and on. Funny post---and oh, so true!!

What I see in your future..

Purchase carboys as you need them.
Get to the point where you have 20 carboys.
Swap out carboys for 4 demijohns.
Get to the point where you have 8 demijohns.
Swap out the demijohns for VCSS tanks.
Swap house for a Bigger one that suit your tanks better.
Feel lucky that you have a wife that can put up with all of this.
What I see in your future..

Purchase carboys as you need them.
Get to the point where you have 20 carboys.
Swap out carboys for 4 demijohns.
Get to the point where you have 8 demijohns.
Swap out the demijohns for VCSS tanks.
Swap house for a Bigger one that suit your tanks better.
Feel lucky that you have a wife that can put up with all of this.

Hope that you have a wife that really likes wine. It is easier to get all these things if she likes what you make- so be sure to include some of her favorites to keep the peace.
What I see in your future..

Purchase carboys as you need them.
Get to the point where you have 20 carboys.
Swap out carboys for 4 demijohns.
Get to the point where you have 8 demijohns.
Swap out the demijohns for VCSS tanks.
Swap house for a Bigger one that suit your tanks better.
Feel lucky that you have a wife that can put up with all of this.

John, I half expected you to write "Swap out wife for one that can put up with all this." :)

Between farming, old cars, putting the occasional pork butt on the smoker, and winemaking, my "spare time" calendar is full.
Surprising how many new "friends" you have when you start making wine, and it does not have to be good wine, just color and alcohol That's okay thou, I'll take em any way I can get em.
Semper Fi
John, I half expected you to write "Swap out wife for one that can put up with all this." :)

Between farming, old cars, putting the occasional pork butt on the smoker, and winemaking, my "spare time" calendar is full.

My Pop always said: A good woman can make your life, a bad woman can ruin your life. I was lucky. I got a good one!