The Life and Times of Waldo's Steamer/Juicer

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I am soooooooo jealous of all the nice toys NW and Waldo have! Sheesh with my motorcycle racing habit, I can barely afford that, and now I am so very much wanting these toys you both have! My sweetie certainly makes great preserves, but think of what both her and I can accomplish with a steam juicer and Foley food mill!
After having a small bowl of my freshly made applesauce yesterday morning it's flavor and texture brought back memories of homeade fried apple pies my Grandmother used to make years ago....Sooooo !! Out came the mixing bowl, flour, shortening, eggs, milk, etc, etc, etc........




Hey Santa, my Christmas list is short. All I want is the juicer. And I thought you and your elves were supposed to making toys not apple fritters!
OMG = Oh My Gosh!!!!I been throwing all my apple pulp either in the compost pile or giving it to the bear hunters for bear bait.....
Guess I need to pulverize some of it through the Foley Mill and make some apple sauce......
In the past I have made Cinnamon Christmas ornaments with apple sauce and cinnamon, roll the mixture out....cut with cookie cutters, punch a hole in the top for a hanger and bake in a slow oven....smell awesome when baking...
The house smelled good yesterday, juiced apples all day, made a huge crock pot full of spaghetti sauce to eat and freeze and baked Zucchini bread....the smells of fall....guess fall isn't so bad after all....such a busy time gathering our 'nuts' for the winter
Edited by: Northern Winos
Waldo....... That is AWESOME! I love those things but never thought about making them at home.....

Well, I guess it's time to get a steamer and head to the farmers market for a bushel or two of apples.


What apples are best for apple sauce or those pastries?

If you steam the juice off the apples, is there any flavor left in the pulp to use it for apple sauce or pastry?

That reminds me so much of my grandfather's fried pies! He would peel apples for days and dry them in the sun on his porch, then can them for pies later. As a boy, I could eat them as fast as he could fry them and he would just keep frying till I was full and just laugh and laugh.

The pies look wonderful!
jobe05 said:
Waldo....... That is AWESOME! I love those things but never thought about making them at home.....

Well, I guess it's time to get a steamer and head to the farmers market for a bushel or two of apples.


What apples are best for apple sauce or those pastries?

If you steam the juice off the apples, is there any flavor left in the pulp to use it for apple sauce or pastry?

These were golden delicious jobe and there was still plenty of flavor left in them
pkcook said:

That reminds me so much of my grandfather's fried pies! He would peel apples for days and dry them in the sun on his porch, then can them for pies later. As a boy, I could eat them as fast as he could fry them and he would just keep frying till I was full and just laugh and laugh.

The pies look wonderful!
Thanks PK....Thedy sure brought back some fond memories for me too
My thighs are growing just looking at all those pastries....

Last fall a girlfriend and I made 42 apple pies...we had an assembly line going....she made the pastry, I peeled the apples with a peeler, mixed the ingredients and we both assembled the pies and wrapped and froze them raw.....I am kind of burned out on them....still have 14 of them in the freezer.....they are still good and I pull one out and bake it every now and then....
Edited by: Northern Winos
Waldo.. Just a thought or two......
.......being as you have so much apple sauce...have you ever made fruit leather in a food dehydrator???
I wonder if you could push apple sauce through a jerky press and make apple jerky???

Been thinking it's time of the year to use up some venison in the jerky of these days will get to that....
Edited by: Northern Winos
Hmmmmmmmmmm , I wonder? NW..Do you have a recipe for making it?
Hey, I came up with a neat idea for my Steamer. One of the drawbacks was having to lift the reservior off to add water so I took my water pan to work and got our best welder in the fab shop to weld me a stainless nipple into the pan, screwed a stainlesselbow on it and "viola". I can now add water anytime. On my test run it worked great. I did determine thatif Iwill take the lid offit prevents any steam from coming out the fill tube.

Edited by: Waldo
Filling the pan is a your idea...

Will look through the cookbook that came with the dehydrator and see how they make the fruit leather rool-ups....
Here is a photo of the plastic tray that came with my American Harvest food dehydrator....

Fruit Roll Sheet....


Prepare Puré already have your apple sauce...
It says you can mix fruits, and garnish with coconut, nuts, raisins, granola, etc.

Pour purée onto fruit roll up sheet that has been sprayed with should be 1/4 to 3/8 inch thick....spread evenly....dry at 130*-140* till fruit feels like leather....4-8 hours. Remove while still warm...roll, cut into smaller pieces if desired, store in plastic in air tight container....enjoy....
Cool.......I am now on a new quest !! Does the search for new toys ever end?
Nice job, Waldo!

Hey, I think I saw your car up here the other day! Minnesota license plate WALDO1 .
Really !!!!! What kind of car did I have PWP? Hope it was a nice one.
Waldo, you are truely a rennesance man! A man of a thousand interests and passions. It is amazing how you fit all your activities into the day, although your apparant lack of sleeping must surely help! Someday I've got to meet you (As long as the spiders are gone that is). Maybe next time my work sends me to OK. Please forgive my spelling tonight all as I've been enjoying my wine.

Would love to meet you too Pete and perhaps some day we will. Maybe we can both make it to winefest next year if nothing else.

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