Success with old labels

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Oct 17, 2005
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I tried soaking the bottles in a plastic bin with hot water to which I added a dash of bleach. I let it soak for about a half hour and I could peel off many of the labels from the bottles. The persistant ones I scratched a bit to expose the glue and resoaked to get them off the bottles. I used a souring pad to clean off the traces of glue.
Welcome to the forum, bijoy.

If you insist on using bleach, make sure you can rinse the bottles or whatever else completely free of any chlorine residue. Just a trace can ruin an entire batch of hard work and pride. Bleach is hard to rinse. Get a little on your hand and then rinse and rinse some more. Betcha you can still smell it, I know I always can. Dawn dishwashing soap is very good for soaking bottles in hot water. Be sure and squirt a little dab into each bottle.
I use acetone on the labels that are hardto get off. put a little on a rag and wipe . acetoneevaporates quickly. you can get it any hardware store
After experimenting with several things, including acetone with limited
success, the kitchen cleaner Citra-Solv (sp?) right out of the bottle on a
scrubbing pad seems to do a good job of removing the remnants of glue
once the paper is mostly gone.