Starting some Black Currant

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Mar 1, 2012
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OK here goes just starting my first Black Currant 3 gallon batch:

Day 1
Vintners Harvest 96 oz.can
Added 2.6 gallons of water
7 lbs. granulated sugar
Acid Blend 1 tsp.
Yeast Nutrient 1 tsp.
Pectic Enzyme 1 tsp.
Campen Tablets 3 crushed
Starting SG is 1.085
Temp is 68 degrees

Day 2
Stirred mix
Pitch my yeast Lalvin 71B-1122 (Rehydated)
Temp 68 degrees

OK how long before seeing fermentation?
Why I'm asking is because I see this takes awhile to ferment.
Is the temperature to low? I do have a brewing belt if needed.
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This is from Jack Keller's site. From this, I would say you are okay.

Lalvin 71B-1122 (Narbonne) : This yeast metabolizes more of the malic acid during fermentation than most other yeasts and should be considered for wines which are high in malic. It is noted for producing "fruity" reds such as vin nouveau and works well with high-acid native North American grapes, producing rounder, smoother, more aromatic wines that tend to mature quickly. Because it is also known for making blush, rosé and semi-sweet wines with a tropical fruit character, it promotes these styles with Cabernet Franc, Gewürtztraminer and Riesling. For obvious reasons, is often the yeast of choice for a great many malic fruit and berries and for vegetable-grape concentrate blended wines. Alcohol toxicity is predictable at 14% and its temperature range is 60-85° F.

(My underlines)
Why do you say it takes awhile to ferment? Despite instructions I would have used less campsen tablets. This dhould be done fermenting in a week or less.
Hey Wade

I have read on some of the other threads that it took a month or longer to ferment out. Now I'm on Day 3 and it's not showing any signs of starting to ferment yet SG is 1.085 no change, and temperature is still 68 degrees.And yes I have been stirring it also. Does it take a few days to show signs of fermentation. On all my other wines I should see results in 24 hours.
If it hasn't started by today, make a starter. Get another pack of yeast, put it in a cup or so of warm water. Add some sugar, a spoonful or two. Add a little yeast nutrient and maybe a little energizer. Let it sit for a while. When it starts, add some of your must to it. maybe a half cup or so. After a bit if it keeps going, add some more must. When it is going really good, pitch it into the must. Should take off fairly fast. Good luck with it, Arne.
You are in a fermentation bucket not a carboy, right? Consider bringing the temp up to around 72. Currants can sometimes be stubborn to get started.
I beleive you are thinking of blueberrg wind where fermentation can be slow. I make black currant all th time from fresh, frozen, and Vintners Harvest and have never had a slow start or hard time. I beleive the problem is the amount of campden tablets you used. I know its what they state but its more sulfites then needed. Give it a really hood thrashing to disperse some of that extra so2 and add another packet of yeast and always start your fermentaions at a warmer tempand then once it gets started then you can let it drop in temp some.
OK here goes just starting my first Black Currant 3 gallon batch:

Day 1
Vintners Harvest 96 oz.can
Added 2.6 gallons of water
7 lbs. granulated sugar
Acid Blend 1 tsp.
Yeast Nutrient 1 tsp.
Pectic Enzyme 1 tsp.
Campen Tablets 3 crushed
Starting SG is 1.085
Temp is 68 degrees

Day 2
Stirred mix
Pitch my yeast Lalvin 71B-1122 (Rehydrate)
Temp 68 degrees

OK how long before seeing fermentation?
Why I'm asking is because I see this takes awhile to ferment.
Is the temperature to low? I do have a brewing belt if needed.

Day 3 no signs of fermentation SG 1.085

Day 4 stirred mix got temp up to 74 degrees and re pitched another pack of yeast.
Day 5 temp 75 degrees added 1 tsp. of nutrients and a pinch of energizer. Fermentation started today and hopefully I'm on my way SG 1.080.
Have I did anything wrong here to hurt my wine?
I cant remember the price as its been a few years now since Ive used them and I know the name has changed on the juice sold locally in our stores as it used to be sold under Maple Lane and is now called Currant Affair. I would buy a few cases of the frozen currants and then if needed buy 1 or 2 quarts of the fresh juice for an f-pac as I usually made desert wine and wanted a lot of flavor for the sweetness level to balance it.
Can usually find frozen black currants here:, the site also carries plants, nectar, concentrate, syrup, dried fruit, etc. The owner was quite vital in getting the ban on currant plants in most US states overturned. Also, it is either Knott's Farm or R.W. Knudsen that makes a 100% black currant juice, commonly found in organic section of your grocery store, typically in quart containers. I usually grab them when they are on sale. And I think Welch's offers a shelf-stable 100% Grape Black Currant juice.

Wade: in regard to difficulty getting black currants to ferment, I was told by a grower that it is common for any of the RIBES, especially the darker ones to sometimes be difficult in getting started. I have not personally worked with fermenting any currants yet, have several cultivar (black, red, golden, champagne) growing and hope to a harvest next season. I know blueberries and any of the fruits within the genus Vaccinium (a genus which also includes bilberries and cranberries) can be difficult for many.
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