Skeeter Pee/Dragon Blood and time...please read!

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Mar 13, 2013
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I've been reading through some of the different variations of SP and DB and they all seem tasty. I'm interested in trying the Jet blue it literally the same as DB just all frozen blueberries?

Since SP/DB is relatively fast, can most wines be done in the same manner? After all fermentation in most cases ends with in 2 weeks correct? I have 5 gallons of Jswordys's blueberry bliss aging, but if I were to just sorbate it and backsweeten what would make it different from a skeeter pee?

I imagine this sounds very naive. I am new to winemaking and I'm the nerdy curious type. :p

Another question...I'm looking to make a quick batch of something for the summer for family and friends...I have SP/DB (thanks Lon/Dave) looking for other recommendations.

Sorry for Rambling!
This just me....I have made two exact recipes of db, and one with blackberry/strawberry....and one with straight blackberries.
i have started a mango batch and a black and blue batch.
I have a few batches that is not db aging
for the most part i make fruit wine, just use db instructions..
one thing...I cant keep enough of it.
so you find you don't need to age much to mellow out the harshness after fermentation?
i have never really had a db that was harsh...I usually add a little concentrate are kool aide with really is never harsh.
which makes i a fun summer wine to drink, specially at 12 are 13 % abv
hmmm...kool aide. Nice, didn't think of that. Do you just add the mix or do you actually make kool aide then dump it in?
I added straight koolaid powder to the Easy Peesy version of DB.

Have you tried any of your blackberry DB? I made some awhile back and didn't care for it as it didn't have much flavor. Only used 1 lb. per gal. like the original DB recipe calls for. If I made it again, I would probably use closer to 2 lbs. per gal.
Depends what you are looking for. I added strawberry to one batch and lemon-lime to another (only to try some new things). Remember though, I was using the Easy Peesy recipe which is a lemon juice based wine. Personally, I like the Easy Peesy as is, without the Kool-Aid flavoring.
As far as using Kool-Aid with the base triple berry DB recipe, I would probably look at using a cherry or fruit punch flavor. Not sure how that would affect it. I like the DB the way it is without any Kool-Aid. I just backsweeten with sugar or honey.
I used strawberry,,,and to tell you the truth I 1 1/2 times the fruit in almost every wine i make....i get more lees, but i am a pro and getting rid of it now.
If it calls for 8lbs, i use 12, if it calls for 20 i use 30.
Form my peach, i doubled it, and it is awesome, and a beautiful gold color
Oh,,, yes to the blackberry and it is very good. Your talking to the blackberry hoarder of Texas...I have lots.