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Senior Member
Aug 15, 2006
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Is there such a thing and how long should you wait before opening wines that have shipped across the country?
Ive read it depends on how they were handled(bruised wine) but couldnt say from experience.
You have to wait long enough for us to get there. We will call when we are about 30 minutes out so you can get the cheese and crackers out to go with it.
Hey Masta,
myclassification just changed from newbie to groupie what is that all about?
Joan, if it was shipped by airplane I would suggest a month (as I have shipped this way before. If it was driven, most likely it doesn't need to wait as long. i did fly back a bottle from LA when I was there last and opened it a few days after getting home.... It tasted a little different. When I waited to open another, I didn't notice.
ScubaDon said:
Hey Masta,
myclassification just changed from newbie to groupie what is that all about?

Your status changes as your number of posts increase

0-39 posts = newbie
40-99 posts = groupie
100-499 posts = senior
500+ posts = winemaster
i would think a few days to settle down. kinda like when you bottle it. ??
I still think that we should all head that way and help Joan enjoy her new wine!