SG question prior to first racking

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Nov 12, 2011
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This is my first batch. Using a Cherry puree for the base.
Day 5 and I checked the SG.
It was supposed to be around 1.030 at first racking (day 5 to 7).
It is 1.000 now! I went ahead and racked and air locked it. It says it will be ready to rack again at 1.000. What do I do? It is already at 1.000.
Do I add yeast energizer?
Best to post the recipe, starting SG and a rough timeline.
Take a gravity reading; the must should be 1090 to 1100. If it's lower add enough sugar to bring the gravity up. Approximately 4 ounces of sugar will raise the gravity 10 points in 1 gallon of water (from 1.080 to 1.090}.
Make up a yeast starter using Red Star Cote de Blanc yeast or Lalvin 71B-1122 (according to directions} and add to the must.
Cover the fermenter with cheese cloth or a fine mesh straining bag (to allow the must to breathe}.
Stir the must every day for 5 to 7 days until the gravity is about 1.030.
Rack into a 1 gallon jug or glass carboy (depending on the volume made} treated with bisulphite solution. Attach airlock and ferment for 2-4 weeks or until fermentation is complete (gravity readings is 1.000 or lower}.
Rack off the sediment into another glass carboy or gallon jug treated with bisulphite solution. Add a fining agent such as Super-Kleer, according to directions and let sit for 4 weeks.
When the wine is clear and stable it may be bottled.
Looking at your directions (recipe) I'm wondering why it says to add bisulphite solution after racking at a specific gravity of 1.030. Wouldn't this stun the yeast and stop or stall the fermentation?
This is my first batch. Using a Cherry puree for the base.
Day 5 and I checked the SG.
It was supposed to be around 1.030 at first racking (day 5 to 7).
It is 1.000 now! I went ahead and racked and air locked it. It says it will be ready to rack again at 1.000. What do I do? It is already at 1.000.
Do I add yeast energizer?

It doesn't sound like you need yeast energizer. It sounds like it is working great. If you wanted, you could add some more sugar mix to get a stronger wine... but otherwise, just let it be for a while. It sounds like a successful batch to me.
Hi midmoboy,

What you posted on what the sg was suppose to be is what I am assuming you were. Did you take an actual reading once you had the sugar added to your must and before adding yeast?

If your must was between 1.090 and 1.100, do not add anymore sugar, the ABV is high enough.

Must do not ferment to a time schedule. So for you to have a 1.000 is not surprising. I am not sure if I agree with their instructions, I would have done first racking at 1.010, then the next once I know the wine is done fermenting.

Always remember a reciped is their for guidance, not to be following strictly, always add the amount of sugar you need to bring to the desired sg and always test your acid before adding blindly
I agree with Julie, I can't see a problem. I've started must with a SG of 1.07/1.08, never added sugar and never had a problem. A SG of 1.00, to me, is dry. How does it taste? Rack it and let it age.
I didnt taste it!. So if it tastes dry now, adding a small amount (1/4 cup or so per gallon) of dissolved sugar is acceptable, correct?
Thanks for all the help guys!
If simply add more sugar, the dormant yeast will come back to life and start fermenting again. If you want to backsweeten, you will need to stabilize with potassium sorbate first.