Cellar Craft Riesling test

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Senior Member
Aug 16, 2008
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I will be testing how badly you can start a wine and still succeed. Or not. Went down to my wine room to sweep floor and found that my kit I bought a month or two ago to start this fall was leaking. Removed from box which was moldy and decided I better start it. Only problem was when I opened bag and started to pour it without the box, the bag collapsed and the juice ran down the outside of the bag and into the fermentor. Never done it that way before. I'm afraid it probably picked up some mold in the process. We will see. If this turns out it will be a miracle. As a side note, I was not impressed with the fragrance of this juice. Has anyone else made this kit that can comment on it. It's the cellar craft showcase Johanisberg Riesling.
Doesn't sound good. That should be a knock out kit. I made the CC Showcase Yakima Valley Riesling and it was amazing 1 month after stabilizing and fining. The best early drinker in the world. I would call whomever you bought it from and just get a replacement kit sent out under warranty.
Quick observation: I've been syphoning the juice from the box to the bucket lately. It takes a little longer than pouring, but much less effort. 16L kits are HEAVY.
v1rotate said:
Quick observation: I've been syphoning the juice from the box to the bucket lately. It takes a little longer than pouring, but much less effort. 16L kits are HEAVY.

Been doing that since Peter Z mentioned it a long while ago - makes life so much easier!
Are there any signs to look for to see if a wine kit is going bad during fermentation like smell or a particular look? thanks, Ron.
Ron, are you getting an odor or is the wine darkening in color? It sounds from your question that you suspect a problem. If you can, please describe it fully and you will get a lot of help on this forum.
Rocky, Nothing specific so far but I just started this kit yesterday and with the leaking problem and the juice hitting the outside of the bag which was in contact with some mold in the box, I was just wondering what to look for if there was going to be a problem.
Ron, looks like the only thing to do at this point is to keep an eye on the wine, as I am sure you would do anyway. From what you have written, Iam notoptimistic, but there are measures that can be taken insome cases should a problem arise. If there is an issue it will probably surface sooner rather than later. Keep us informed on the progress of the wine.
It's perking along nicely at this moment. Smells good and it does not seem to be any darker than any other white wines I have done. Will keep posting as it goes along. Ron.
That is very encouraging, Ron. Alcohol has a way of healing a number of problems. What was your initial specific gravity and what is the temperature of the wine? If there are no off odors, the taste is probably also good. Keep at it and remember the people on this forum have faced just about every obstacle there is so you will have plenty of support.
Initial sg was 1.086 at 78 degrees. I started the yeast in warm water to speed up the start of fermentation so it was going good the net morning.
Day 4 and my wine still looks and smells good. I may have lucked out on this one. Knock on wood.
My leaky wine kit has now been clarifying for about 2 weeks and is still looking good. I decided to do a taste test. It tastes good although it makes your mouth pucker up because it is rather tart even though I added the whole flavor pack. Has anyone else made this kit and had the same result? If I wanted to sweeten it a little more, would I just dissolve some sugar in boiling water and let it cool and add to wine? If so, what ratio of sugar to water would I use? Thanks, Ron.
I think I would give it a bit more time to settle down. Could be your tasting just young green wine that needs a month or two to mature and mellow out that tart flavor your experiencing at the moment. I bottled at 3 months and like I said in previous post, this wine was excellent at only 3 months (its killer now at 8 mo!
thanks, mike. I was thinking it might mellow out some but have never had this situation before. did you oak yours or not. I'm leaning toward not because the taste is pretty good the way it is.