Raspberry Wine Started

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Senior Member
Jul 26, 2006
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Ok I have started my first fruit wine from Vinters.. I had a SG when I Mixed everything up last night of 1.092 and PH was 3.5 ..So I am letting it set for 24 hrs and will pitch yeast later today what other test should I do before I do this should I see what the Brix is also I just picked up a refactometer and I need to calibrate it first....But so far so good It actually smells wonderful......I just can't believe how addicting this is! I will post pictures tomorrow..
Your SG is fine, you don't need to check the Brix. They are actually the same thing. Just a different number representing the same thing. Basically it is two different methods to check the same thing.

I have a can of Vintner's Harvest blackberry (96 oz) that I was planning on starting today. There are 2 recipies on the can, one for 5 gallons and another for "fuller fruit flavor and body" at a 3 gallon volume. Are you using 2 cans, a bigger can, or streching the 5 gallon recipie?

This will be my first try with a fruit wine and I was planning to go with the 3 gallon recipie because I like a fuller wine. But, now I'm wondering about it because I've read several posts about making 5 or 6 gallons and I'm just wondering if that's with 2 cans.

I am making one 96oz can of vinters harvest raspberry and making a 5 gallon batch...I have a 5 gallon carboy to put it in so it works out for me...
Well, after talking about this I just had to order me a Vintners Harvest Raspberry as well. I don't know if I am going to do a 3 or 5 gallon batch though.

Mike, I have stretched out some of the Vintners to 6 gallons but
probably would not recommend this to someone who has not tried my wine
as you may not like it that way. I do backsweeten with a juice of same
species for two reasons, 1 being I like a sweeter wine, and 2 being
that I dont want to change the flavor and to get a little back if I
have lost any.
Let us know how it turns out. I was thinking about making Raspberry on my next batch. Vintners Harvest seems to get good reviews. I am working on a batch of Vintners Harvest Elderberry now.<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
Still stirring and testing SG ... Which is 1.050 today waiting for 1.040 so I can rack it...
YEAHHHHHHHHYYYYYYY!!! SG 1.040 for 2 days and I have done my first racking on my first fruit wine!! Looks and smells awsome!!!!
Hey Bmorosco,

congrats on the fruit wine. I think you will be very pleased with the results.

Remember, make it to your liking and you can't mess up!
Fruit wines and meads are my favorites by far. Raspberry is a great looking wine and mine has always retained it's color very well. I'm sure you are going to be very happy with it.

I started my Vintner's Raspberrytoday. I went with a 3 gallon batch. I have to say the color of the Must was kinda yucky at 3 gallons. It almost had a brownish, oxidized color to it.I can't imagine what a 5 gallon batch would look like. I added a 500 ml bottle of Wine Expert Grape Concentrate to the must and it gave it a tremendous color. It actually enhanced the raspberry flavor as well. It also put my SG right where I wanted it at 1.090. The pH was 3.9

I plan on experimenting a bit with this wine. I am contemplating adding a vanilla bean or two to get a vanilla flavor in it. I think a raspberry/vanilla wine would be yummy. I still can't decide if I want to add any oak or not. I am leaning toward "not" as I have never had a sweetened wine with oak in itbut hopefully those that have tried it can chime in and give a review if it is worth it or not.

I will be starting my Vintners raspberry tonight or tommorow as my back is pretty sore right now.
Well the Raspberry is coming along nicely!! The SG this morning was 1.020 so I will stabilize at 1.010 as directions state.. My wife and I went on a wine tour around seneca lake this past weekend and we picked up quite a few bottles of fruit wines..Can't wait for the end result!

will I have to rack again ? The raspberry is in a 5 gal carboy.. I mean after I stabalize?
You will probably have to rack a time or two again to help it clear. If you don't see any lees fallout on the bottom, you have done you job right.

How are you stabilizing this wine? adding sulfite and sorbate to a
fermenting wine will only temporarily stop it if your lucky. The only
ways to really stabilize at this SG is to plan ahead with a low
tolerence yeast and high Sg at beginning, Add alchohol now to kill
yeast or cold stabilize which in my opininion is risky. The other
method is beyond a normal persons reach with Sterile filtration.