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Senior Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Getting ready to start up my first kit. My equipment setup came with easy clean no rinse cleaner. Is this a sanitizer also? There isnt anything else in my kit. I dont have access to a dealer near me. Is there anywhere else that might carry k-meta if I this is not a sanitizer also?
I personally dont use that and i always use K-meta but have a friend who uses One step and nothing else and has no trouble. What you can do is make a small batch of K-meta using the meta in the packet with the kit as you wont need that for quite some time.
I guess I will have to use what came in my kit and order some to replace. Thanks I didnt think of that.
I think if my math Kung Fu is right that you would mix that packet with 2.75 oz.'s of water would be the sanitizing mixture. Its not much ut should be enough to get the job done right.
I will try to stretch it I guess. I cant wait any longer. I gotta get started, its killing me.
dcrnbrd, I use the LD Carlson Easy Clean no rinse cleaner and have never had a problem.
My LHBS kits come with EZ clean and they don't even TALK about using Kmeta as a sanitizer. I used it for my first four kits and they are all wine
However, after visiting this forum for the last few months I have been switching to K meta - after my one pound jar of EZ is gone!
What kit are you starting?
After much thought I am gonna try it. I will get started as soon as I get off work. Thanks everybody I will keep updating and I am sure I will have more questions.
I won't say anything about the competition, but why do ALL of the kit manufacturers and wine experts suggest using K-Meta?
You know that the PWP can't help but answer rhetorical questions... Because we want the best for our wines and don't want to leave anything as basic as sanitation to chance? If I'm going to part with my hard-earned princess dollars, I want to be sure I'm doing everything I can to create a safe environment for my wines. But that is just me.
PWP,I agree with you ,it's how I learned to process my product and I've for one have never had a after taste of any sort do to poor sanatation processes, K/MET and P/SORBATE are standard profiles to use in this industry