RJ Spagnols quick question about whites

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Dec 19, 2010
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Hey there, I'm getting to rack last years rq eherenfeltser and torrotes to seconday.. it wa fermented at 70-75 degrees. my question is.. should it stay in a warm spot in secondary? or be moved somewhere colder? to test my getting this.. it seems that after adding everything and degassing as I go it should stay in a warm spot.. then be moved somewhere cold( the garage) to clear some more and cold stabalize it before bottling? I've made 5 kits so far (only reds) and some of them are throwing alot of wine diamonds.. I don't want anymore of that, that's for sure.. I appreciate any advise.. thanks in advance
Artjunkie, I am having trouble following what you're trying to say. As far as fermenting you're whites I like to do them at cooler temperatures like 65-68*.
I'd read primary fermentation is better warmer w/ kits.. so I fermented them at 70-75... my question is really whats best temp wise from first racking on? I don't want to end up with wine diamonds.... sorry I write like a 3 yr old, much better in person :h
I'd read primary fermentation is better warmer w/ kits.. so I fermented them at 70-75... my question is really whats best temp wise from first racking on? I don't want to end up with wine diamonds.... sorry I write like a 3 yr old, much better in person :h

You're doing fine. Being a kit it is best to stick with their instructions and temps. I have never gotten any diamonds from a kit and I have done at least 40 of them.
well maybe I'll ask this way... some kits have that stuff to stop wine diamonds for 1 year.. would it hurt to omit that and cold stabalize it... then add that stuff. I've ended up with wine diamonds in 2 or better kits... but i'm a total newb.... I make damn good beer tho :b
Don't omit anything from the kits. This is the first time I ever heard of getting any diamonds from them. It certainly wouldn't hurt anything if you cold stabilized just before bottling.
when you say just before.. like for the month before or something? then rack and bottle or bottle right out of that carboy?.. not trying to be a moron. I'm just trying to get these to come out right for my wife.
Dont bother with the metatartaric acid that comes in the kits. It worked for about 4 months and then dropped acids out. Yes, the high quality wine kits will drop out acid. If youve degassed the wine and are done with fining it then go ahead and cold stabilize it. Hey Dan, what high end kits have you made?
I've made many of these RQ kits and not had any crystals; my Torrentes is ready for bottling now. Keep the wine warm for stabilizing/degassing and once that is done you can move it to a cooler place if you wish for it to clear. I don't think you will have a problem with wine diamonds.