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Senior Member
Dec 17, 2007
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Merry Christmas to all. With all the chaos that comes with kids + Christmas morning, I was checking the SG in a primary, and left the airlock out for about five hours
. Is this a problem or am I okay? I am in Day 4.Edited by: myway22
At this point there is absolutely no problem at all, as a matter of fact a lot of people do not use airlocks or lids during primary fermentation as yeast needs air to multiply. Most people just put a clean cloth and maybe an elastic around it to prevent the cloth from falling in. Just make sure no bugs or anything get in there.
I used to snap the lid and attach an airlock. I quit doing that quite a few kits back. I just sit the lid on the bucket and throw a towel over the airlock hole. I have since obtained a lid without a hole for the airlock that I use. You should have no issue at all. In fact, it was probably better for the yeast to get a little oxygen.