Preserving Corks

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Jan 28, 2013
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Would it be possible to buy corks in bulk, but then divide them and seal them in a Foodsaver bag to allow them to retain their integrity for an extended period of time?
Not recommended, however you can buy corks in bulk, place a wine bottle 1/2 full of k-meta in the bottom of a 5 gallon bucket and pour corks into bucket and seal. The k-meta will keep them fresh.
I as well as others purchase custom corks (1000 per order) and have held them for 1-2 years with no problems. I use an old 6G Mosti Mondiale All Juice bucket that has a lid with a rubber seal. I take a quart milk jug and fill the jug with KMETA solution and place in the center of the bucket (lid off). Fill the bucket with as many corks as you can and snap the lid. You will have sanitized corks that will not dry out for 6-9 months at a crack. Replace the KMETA when you pull the lid and you no longer smell SO2.