Posting pictures to my message

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Senior Member
Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
I know I remember seeing this somewhere. I thought I was to click on the "Tree" icon above which would take me to where I could attach some pictures!! I try to click on the tree and my computer "bawks" at me!!

Anyone help?



I have some pictures I want to share!!
Please explain what you mean by your computer "bawks" at you?
Well, when I click on the "Tree" icon or insert image icon, it goes "beep beep" and will not allow me to attach any picture or image. Kind of like an error message. Should I right click or something?

When you click on the insert image icon
you should get a popup window where you load the image. Sounds like your popup blocker is causing the issue and you need to to allow popups from the site.
I see you are using IE6 so here is some help if you need it:

Edited by: masta
If all else fails...then go to PhotoBucket

Open an account...[FREE]...Upload the photos you want to share with us.

Once you have your photos Uploaded, open another browser with Fine Vine Wines and begin Posting your reply....

Go to the photo in PhotoBucket you wish to share, click on the bottom box under the photo [IMG Code]

Once it is high-lighted BLUE</font> then right click and copy...then paste it onto your Post.

Hopes this works for you...Waldo turned me on to this when I was having trouble UpLoading photos....

Good Luck!!! Looking forward to those photos...
Edited by: Northern Winos

It worked!!! I am so excited!!! Thank you so much for that tip!!
NW, you mean I don't have to paste the photobucket link in the upper right of the pop-up window? I live in the land of dial-up. That would cut the time it takes me to post by hours!!! Thank you!
Actually, it is part of our basement. We built the house five years ago, refinished the basement last year, but kept two rooms for storage. When I started this hobby last fall, I realized I would need a "room" of sorts so moved everything into one "storage" room (very small). The room you see is about 10' by 10' and I call it my "Wine Room" and it has a lock on the door so my kids (9,7,and 2) cannot get in. I have big plans for this room!! Paint, wine racks, but everything takes money and time (and I lack both right at the moment!)

Maybe you should split that room into 2 rooms. 1 room with the wine
being made under padlock to keep the kids out. 1 room with the finished
wine under time sensitive lock to keep you out!