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Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, making him 144 years old were he alive today. Many people may not be aware that he married his cousin, Elsa Lowenthal in 1919 after his first marriage failed. He said he was attracted to Elsa because she was so well endowed. Further, he postulated that a person is more strongly attracted to a woman with large breasts if there is a DNA connection. This became known Einstein's Theory of Relativititty.
In midlife during the early 21st century, research describes them as active, happy, and achieving a work–life balance. The cohort has also been credited as entrepreneurial and productive in the workplace more broadly.
So where does the sneering mistrust of everything fit in?
I was born in the 1930s Depression era, but I'm far from being depressed.
So where does the sneering mistrust of everything fit in?
I was born in the 1930s Depression era, but I'm far from being depressed.
Yeah, it makes sense that if you survived and recall the 1930s depression, you would not be depressed by how things turned out since then, at least economically in the UK and USA.

I think that the sneering mistrust of everything is also rooted in how "Gen Xers" grew up. I was in the midwest USA's "rust belt," in Michigan, as a teenager in the early 1980s. All of the car factories were getting closed down, unemployment was high, Ronald Reagan talked about "trickle down economics" but the rich simply got richer, similar to Thatcher's England. It was near the height of the cold war too, with its "mutually assured destruction" should either side bomb the other with nuclear weapons. And this was on the tail end of the Vietnam War and Watergate and Kent State and Altamont. We saw videos about getting under our desk in the event of a nuclear bombing.

Against that backdrop it may make good sense that we are generally happy, active, and focused on work-life balance? But there are of course a ton of generalizations in any sketch of 65 million people in the US alone, who just happened to be born within a 16 year window.