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A while ago I was third in line in a Starbucks. The first person placed an order, gabbling about 80 syllables in Starbuckese. The barista listed intently, rang up the order, and the customer went to the end of the counter to await their drink.

The next person repeated the process.

I'm not fluent in Starbuckese, but am kind of like a guy with a phrase book, e.g., I know simple phrases. So I place my order: "Venti dark roast". [for those unfamiliar with the language, I asked for the largest, darkest coffee they sell.]

The barista just stares at me.

Ok. Maybe I DON'T speak Starbuckese as well as I thought. Or maybe I mumbled. So I repeated it, slowly: "Venti .... dark .... roast".

The woman shook like coming out of a trance, and I realized she had mentally prepared herself for another gabble, and just was not prepared for selling me coffee. I mentioned this to her, and she agreed, and we both laughed.

One week later I had a full repeat of the situation at a different Starbucks.

On the rare occasion I go into a SB, it's the same thing. "Venti dark roast, please". Which is met with an awkward stare and an "Is that all?".
On the rare occasion I go into a SB, it's the same thing. "Venti dark roast, please". Which is met with an awkward stare and an "Is that all?".

I don't play the fake name game. When I have to go in, which is maybe once every four or five years it's "I would like your largest cup of darkest coffee, filled to the brim." That gets the looks of disdain.
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That is most likely true!
True incident: Years ago and fresh out of college, I was working for Westinghouse as an Industrial Engineer. During a labor dispute, the Superintendent came into the Engineering office and, indicating the people on the production floor, said to my Manager, "They are on a 'slow down' out there.' My Manager responded, "How can you tell?"

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