PH Meter recommendation

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Mar 1, 2009
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I am contemplating on getting a new ph meter for Christmas. I am looking for a bench top model with two probes (temp/ph) probably. I was just wondering what folks are using and if they like them. I am NOT interested in Hanna so anything but those I would be interested in hearing about.
Ive only read good things about Milwaukee. Is something wrong with your Hanna meter?
Milwaukee is one I am looking at along with a few from Valley Vinter. I really think I want a bench top model with two probes. The readings are quicker and they seam to stay instead of drifting around. Currently I'm using the Hanna bench top one at work but for at home I don't see the $500.00 value. The bench tops also read Mv's. This is a feature I think will be useful for future reasons.
Someone here posted they really liked their Milwaukee last month.

You are a glutton for punishment with two probes! Takes up more room so you need more sample, more to keep clean, more to break, more to maintain, plus if their not sealed you have to fill them all the time.

We have a very expensive one at work (Thermo-Orion) and I would much rather use my Hanna than that thing any day. It takes me 20-30 min to take a single reading with the startup/calibration procedure required.
No mv measurements, but I really like the MW102. It's really a portable, but I lay it on the bench ;-) It's ATC with two separate probes.

I keep a jug of distilled water with my carboys so I can leave the temp probe in the distilled water (it's the same temp as the wine) for most measurements.

I frequently use the temp probe by itself, so it's dual purpose.

No probe holder like a bench model, but the probe can be inserted into the top of carboys for a rapid round of rinse, measure, rinse measure ... w/o drawing samples to a separate container. This is where being portable pays off.

I would like to have a probe holder for titrations, but I don't want one bad enough to pay $60 (the cheapest I've seen) for one.
Milwaukee is one I am looking at along with a few from Valley Vinter. I really think I want a bench top model with two probes. The readings are quicker and they seam to stay instead of drifting around. Currently I'm using the Hanna bench top one at work but for at home I don't see the $500.00 value. The bench tops also read Mv's. This is a feature I think will be useful for future reasons.

Sounds like someone may have future plans on a local winery.....
Dan, look at the Oakton product line. I have the hand held that is equivalent to your Hanna, but I think they have bench top models with separate probes. They do make a quality product.
Duh! I forget and I'm not at home to check it out. Just Google it and you'll get a lot of hits. Probably even the Oakton home page.
No mv measurements, but I really like the MW102. It's really a portable, but I lay it on the bench ;-) It's ATC with two separate probes.

What is "MV" and why would testing it be beneficial?
Milwaukee Ph Meter Mw102 wins

Ok I made up my Mind! After listening to several folks I had it narrowed down to to Ph Meters (mw102 & mw151) that were $200 apart in price. The big differences were the type of electrodes (refillable vs sealed) and portable vs bench top. Plus the bench top had a few other bells and whistles. For the home wine maker without a doubt the mw102 was the best deal.

Too bad I have to wait for Christmas to play with it.

Thank you for all of your input.

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