Party Wine

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Junior Member
Dec 30, 2011
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Has anyone made what we call "party wine" it is the wine left at the bottom of the carboy after the various rackings..we started out calling it "party wine" because it has so many various flavors.."peach,raspberry,blueberry,cranberry,etc.." and at first we thought we will call this party wine because it what we will bring out at a party to see the comments..and the comments have been Great..Best wine we had this evening, what is it, and can you duplicate this?..unforunately the answer is No..each batch is decided by the wines you blend..But it is a great way to get the flavor of the various wines all blended into one.
would enjoy hearing is anyone else has tried this?
great food..great wine...great friends..
Explain more, please. Do you re-ferment it?

Hi.. No this wine has the frementation process completed and is stablized.
Since I do not filter, and prefer a clear wine, when I get to the bottom of the carboy when racking I always have a lil "sediment" and wine on the bottom of the carboy so what I do is pour that into a 1.75 liter bottle (screw cap) and let that settle out, when I have enough to these 1.75 liter bottles to fill a 3 gal carboy I rack the 1.75 lites into the 3 gal. leaving the sediment behind, at this point I will clear it once again and then bottle it.
May sound like a lot of work, but it really is not and we sure enjoy the results.
Hope I explained this sufficently
later Jay
When I rack from the secondary, I save that last bit of muck too. I put it in bottle, in the frig, then when it's clear I pour it into a glass.

I never thought of the discipline it might take to actually save enough of those little bits to fill a 3 gal. carboy. The stuff just moves a little too quickly in my house.
Hi.. No this wine has the frementation process completed and is stablized.
Since I do not filter, and prefer a clear wine, when I get to the bottom of the carboy when racking I always have a lil "sediment" and wine on the bottom of the carboy so what I do is pour that into a 1.75 liter bottle (screw cap) and let that settle out, when I have enough to these 1.75 liter bottles to fill a 3 gal carboy I rack the 1.75 lites into the 3 gal. leaving the sediment behind, at this point I will clear it once again and then bottle it.
May sound like a lot of work, but it really is not and we sure enjoy the results.
Hope I explained this sufficently
later Jay

That's a great way to get every bit of your wine. Do I understand this correctly that you are blending all of your wines together to get the 3 gallon carboy filled? What a neat idea.

Now you need to start saving the lees in another container when you do this to make a party "Skeeter Pee".
Ive done this twice. 1 came out really good the later is aging right now but not very good, at least the last time I checked which was about 4 months ago.
That's a great way to get every bit of your wine. Do I understand this correctly that you are blending all of your wines together to get the 3 gallon carboy filled? What a neat idea.

Now you need to start saving the lees in another container when you do this to make a party "Skeeter Pee". is a blend of what ever you have made wine out of..I have blended fruit (country wine) and grape wines..and they have all been poppin with great flavor.
Sounds like a good idea, however, I always need the extra to top off after additional rackings.
Mine never seem to make it past the sit in the reefer and let the lees settle out stage. Once it has setteled out it is fair game. Arne.
We do the same thing--except we call it "swamp juice." Not only does it make a good blended wine, but it's nice to know you're not throwing out all that wine. Seems like small amounts, but when doing a lot of bottling, it ends up to be a substantial amount.
We do the same thing--except we call it "swamp juice." Not only does it make a good blended wine, but it's nice to know you're not throwing out all that wine. Seems like small amounts, but when doing a lot of bottling, it ends up to be a substantial amount.

Your right there, I get about 3-3gal. "party wine" I have shared this with some of my wine making friends who were just pouring it down the drain.
Seems everyone has their own distinctive name for it:
"sludge wine"
"left over wine"
"party wine"
"swamp juice"
any others?
We've also called it "Monster Blood" and bottled it with a label of a monster with blood dripping out of its mouth!! That was a big hit at a party--everyone LOL'd about it.

Another name we have for it is "space juice" and use some astronomy art for the label.
What do you keep these leftovers in until you bottle? Would a 1 gallon glass carboy work? Would I need an airlock? This sounds fun!
Yep--just be sure it's topped up. Use wine bottles, or small jugs,etc. and some marbles if needed. When we get rack space, then we bottle it--always seems we have lots of it in jugs waiting for bottling.

Our intent is to take ALL of it and make a super-blend.
This is why I love this forum, great ideas like this one. I'm kicking myself for pouring all that left over wine down the drain, :(:(:(
Me too Winegirl!! I'm excited to start doing this though. Maybe a silly you mix whites with reds?
Yep--mix any and all of it. After we rack our carboy at bottling time, we take the unclear leftovers in the dirty carboy and pour them into a jug,wine bottle, etc. You can even let some of the sludge go into the bottle if it happens to slip in--after all, these aren't "gross" lees, only the finer lees and are OK for them to go in. Airlock it and wait until it clears,then bottle.
Me too Winegirl!! I'm excited to start doing this though. Maybe a silly you mix whites with reds?

Well I have mixed reds, whites and country wines..the more the
just don't mix any bad/problem wines..
I swear the best part of the wine is left at the bottom of the carboy..
I use so recycled 1.75 liter screw top glass bottles to store mine, if needed could also use a 1 any case top off with water if needed.