Our luck has run out........

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Jul 7, 2009
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Northern Nuevo Mexico
Went to Santa fe today to do some shopping around noon. Made a few stops and looked up at the mountains and boom this had blown up out of nowhere. I think it had only been burning for 2-3 hours when we took this photo this afternoon around 4:00. Winds were howling all day out of the West around 25-35 mph. Hope we don't give AZ a run for the money. This fire is just below the Santa fe Ski area which is off to the right in this picture. We have had no rain this Spring at all. No snow really this Winter. To say we are dry does not do it justice. Humidity is about 3% in the afternoon. Its so dry we have no weeds. Its just crunchy dead stuff and the dirt is just dust.

Wish we could take some of the flood water from the Missouri river off their hands......

I would love to give you some of the flood water but I live out in the hill forty to fifty miles away from the river so it is not brothering me but your welcome to all you can haul away
Hope you get some rain over there Mike! We have had quite a bit of rain lately, so much that I havent been able to get fishing in my river fpor about 2 1/2 weeks due to it just being way too fast and impossible to fish.
That sucks Mike. We have been just hoping for one week without rain. Today will be the third day in a row with no rain, but the forecast is rain everyday next week. The farmers around here are working around the clock plowing and planting the fields and taking in hay. The plowing and planting normally is done by mid May. Again, we are fortunate to have these issues compared to other's with fires, floods and tornado's.
Thanks guys, no surprise its now up to 1000 acres. 0% contained. Winds died down last night and it cooled off nicely this AM. It was 53 here at the house so it has to be in the mid 40's up there. Winds will be back with vengeance this afternoon gusting up to 35 MPH. They are supposed to hit hard today with 8 slurry bombers and several helicopters.

Come on monsoons!
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There is 30 miles of desert valley between us and that mountain. The wind blew all day yesterday with some gust up to 50mph. Just a horrible day to have a forest fire raging. I went to Overlook Park about 1 mile from my house to take a picture across the valley but the wind was blowing so hard the smoke was just a giant hazy grey spread out across the Sangre de Christo mountains so it wouldn't really show up all that well.

We had a cool front push through over night and the temps are supposed to be down about 10 degrees from yesterday. Hopefully with less wind and cooler temps they can start to get a handle on it. Last report was still 0% contained. Its headed into the Pecos wilderness away from any structures but there is miles and miles of mixed conifer forest so lots of forest to burn up.......
I hate to post this Mike knowing the problem that your haveing out your way but we had one H??? of a rain storm go through here last night everywhere from one inch to two inches of rain with high winds I wish that we could send you some of this to help you out
We supposedly have a 10% chance of rain but there is not a single cloud in the sky....

Luckily yesterday the winds reversed directions and sent the fire back over areas it had already burned so they made some progress in containment.

"Hasa Diga Eebowai" ....... :m
Took some pics yesterday as it blew up again big time with high winds and temps around these parts now in the mid 90's in the Santa fe area. Its over 5000 acres and not contained at all still. Two sets of shots. One at 3:30PM and then again at almost 7:00PM. Almost looks like a small mushroom cloud from a tactical nuke of sorts......





7:00PM Pics





That tiny river in the forground in some of the pics is whats left of the Rio Grande river with no snow melt and no rain......

Temps are expected to go even higher today and the wind is back already this AM.
Thats amazing and those pictures are awesome. Between the fires in the west and the water in the mid west, I just don't know what to say.

To think folks are whinning around here because their grass is growing so fast and they can't cut it because it's been raining for five days now off and on. Looking at the other parts of the country we are so lucky here in the NE.
I feel for you, Mike. We get our share of forest fires in Alaska. In fact, any year we don't have smoke in the air during the summer is a great one. So far, this year, we've been fairly fortunate. Only one fire close by that seems to have lasted only a few days.

Most summers it's the entire summer. And way up here where I live, most folks don't have air conditioning so it means we're stuck inside in hot temps (upper 80s-90s) without the ability to open windows. For us, it's like living in an oven.
Hey Susan, an interesting thing I learned last week when my in laws were visiting from North Pole. You guys don't have frogs or fire flies. The kids had a blast running around catching them here.