OK I have started a batch

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Apr 8, 2007
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I made up a 3.75 gal. batch of strawberry wine:

12 pounds berries
1 pound raisins
10 pounds sugar
1/4 t bi-sulfate
1 pack champaign yeast
5 tbs nutrient

Let it soak with bi sulfate 24 hours using bucket with cloth over it
added water to 3.75 mark
stirring daily
hydro at 1.10 today

Smells great :)
Keep us posted. Sounds great. You recipe looks pretty good.
OK today is day 3 :cool:

hydro is 1.050

Temp 81.9

stirring once a day

The must seems to be on top when I stir it every 24 hours. Should I be stirring more often? :confused:
With stirring the must will mingle with the fluids and there will be more
color and flavor extracted.

Also the fluids mixing with the solids keeps preventing growing nasties on top
of the solids.

I personally stir mornings before I go to work, then at 6 when I am home again
and evenings before bedtime around midnight.

Once a day is to littile.

Day 7

Day 7

Looks dark red
smells great :)
bubbling slowed
Hydro 1.004 - 1.005

Is it time to carboy? :confused: