Nuclear Apple/Pepper Wine Label Contest

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Joan said:
Here's another from me...


Looks like a tree after a nuclear blast..
I think I'm addicted to label making!!! I just love it!


Edited by: Joan
Joan that is amazing! Super job. There could be worse things to be addicted to than label making

Keep them coming folks, there is a week left to enter!
Joan said:
I think I'm addicted to label making!!! I just love it!

Joan loved this entry! Really Awesome! Great Job!

Now everyone, as appleman has said this is the last week to enter an entry! Come on now, lets' everyone send in a label! This is my last look at this forum for awhile, duty calls, and that means my nose in at the grinding stone. So for those of you that have already posted a label, "Joan, Wade, Jwminnesota, Navyterp, Joeb05, Waldo, Beachdragon007, They all look Great! Hope I didn't miss anyone! You all have outdone yourselves!

Those of you who have not entered, come on and join in, it's been a lot of fun. It's not the winning or the losing, It's just plain fun!!!
Good Luck to everyone!!
After being able to squeeze in work on this around the other tasks at hand, I think it's in a good state. Print-tested for readability, here's a picture of the label design...

- Jim
Boy...they just keep on guys are all amazing...Love them all....Appleman is going to have a tough time choosing...Glad it's not me..
Okay I finally have the cut and paste from jpgs figured out good! That
makes it alot easier now. It was absorbing all my time before! Thanks
for the practice Appleman!
OK everybody time is running out here. Submit your entries by the end of the month. Remember there are prizes involved and bragging rights to have your label on this stuff that would put hair on the Hulk's Green Chest!

I may also have to recruit some help choosing the winner on this one! Do you have a favorite? If so PM Appleman with your choice and I will take all opinions into consideration in choosing the winners!
I got this one from brandiwine and am posting it with his/her permission. Another new member and I think it's great as are all entries so far.
