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Sep 25, 2009
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Transferred my Vinters reserve kit 6 days ago to second fermentor, carboy. All bubbles stopped about 2 days ago. Just checked density with hydrometer, 0.994. Kit instructions says wait 10 days then if less than 0.996 stabilize, clear, rack.We're shy of ten days should I procedd to next step?


I would wait.
Chect every 2 days and if the same then its done. I suspect it will go to .990.
What's the rush? You cant rush wine making. When doing kits the temp is important. Yeast works best at certain temps. So, if your room is off a little it may take more time. Keep this in mind
rush... good point. Always looking for shortcuts to get a product launched is what I do everyday. Need a new mindset for this one
. Temperature is the one thing I have controlled, built a chamber with thermostat attached to the carboy and heater to maintain. Just can't seem to take the engineer out of me. It works great - maybe I should share. $20 thermostat and $14 heater from Home depot with a little rewire.

Anyway - thanks for the advice - I'll wait. (taps foot ...)
I agree!!!!! Engineer by day and wine maker at night makes a difficult transition. I seen to always try to rush the wine and an never happy in the end. Take my time relax and have a glass of wine. Maybe I will get to it tomorrow. If only my boss was like that.
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The 3 "T's"




That will give you some good wine.
With wine you want to give it extra time then what they say in the instructions with the exception of getting it out of the primary bucket to reduce 02 exposure. After that a week or 2 more at any point is fine. and once its got sulfite in there a lot more time aging in the carboy then what they say will give you way better benefits. Bottling on their time frame will only give you gassy wine and sediment in the bottles.
Thank you for the advice... waiting, waiting. Hard to do for the first kit. Will it be swill, will it taste okay?

(still taps foot)
Hello - just comleted step 3, stabilising and clearing. Surprisingly not much gas. I sampled the wine again to start to learn the taste of the process. It still has wierd "bite" can only describe as "sharp" on the tip of the tounge. THe sharp tastequickly disappears and seems to be less than it was 14 days ago. Also not a great smell - not too bad. Wife says it smells a little like vinegar - I'm not so sure. I waited 14 days, instructions said 10, and the hydrometer was steady at .994 for days.

Anyway - Is all normal still? What's the "sharp" taste and will it go away?

Thanks, such a newbie.

Yep, it's normal for it to be sharp now. That's why wine is aged. Aging will take the sharpness away. Your wine will mellow and smooth out with time. Be patient, Grasshoppah.
Once you get a couple batches bottled and aged and another five or more batches in the carboys it gets a lot easier to be patient. As you are starting a new wine another one is just coming of age to drink. Good Luck!
The bite does go away. My first kit has just reached 1 year old (see other post on that topic) and it's improved a lot. I had another batch (not a kit) that I thought was going to be hopeless - no matter what I did to it I could not 'fix' that biting sensation and figured it was going to be a pour-down-the drain but bottled it anyway: six months later it was smooth and delightful and can only get better (I hope). Give it time.
Singing, " Timeeeeee, Timeeee, Timeeeeeeis on my side...Yes it is "
Thank you for all the replys. It's not the time so much as did I do something wrong along the way, did I contaminate the wine - accidently touch something, not sanitize. I sanitize everyting but technically all it takes is to accidently touch my pants/shirt. That's where not knowing the smells of wine making nor the sharp taste I wonder if it's gotten spoiled or it's normal. Bottom line - I'll wait. I just started another batch so got something else to compare to.

Thanks for the encouragement - great group of people.
articwater said:
Transferred my Vinters reserve kit 6 days ago to second fermentor, carboy. All bubbles stopped about 2 days ago. Just checked density with hydrometer, 0.994. Kit instructions says wait 10 days then if less than 0.996 stabilize, clear, rack.We're shy of ten days should I procedd to next step?



Hi Warren,

Since VR's are Winexpert kits, you might want to read this article by Tim Vandergrift, WE guru:

<a href="" target="_blank">Making Your
Kit Wine Shine, Redeaux</a>.

My results have improved a lot since I started lengthening the process.

Which VR kit are you making and what is the new kit? Inquiring minds...
Hey great article. Sounds like the primary areas to lengthen are secondary and post clearing. It is interesting to taste the wine as it goes along, sorta a tastebud education on how a wine matures.

My first was a vinter's reserve - Chianti. Not a lot of choices for these. I live very dry, not fruity, almost bitter wines. I'll try a merlot next - any real dry ones you would recommend? Might try one of the all juice or other brands.

Second batch is Pinot Grigio, also winexpert kit. This one is for the wife, so gues she'll have to be the judge. Starting out great, tons of foam in less than 24 hours.

I can see how the mantra "This is a hobby?" got started.

articwater said:
My first was a vinter's reserve - Chianti. Not a lot of choices for these. I live very dry, not fruity, almost bitter wines. I'll try a merlot next - any real dry ones you would recommend?


If your budget includes the WE Estate series, the CabFranc/Merlot might fit your description. Mine is only 8 months old so I've only tried a split so far, but it seemed very dry, not fruity at all. Stay away from the VR Mezza Luna Red, the WV Trinity Red and the Selection Original Luna Rossa. All great wines, but quite fruity, especially in the first year.

I have a Selection Original Cab/Merlot on day 35 right now. I oaked it with some Hungarian Medium toast cubes for a couple of weeks and it could be a candidate for you, also. Dry with a decent nose and finish so far. I expect good things.

My CC kits are too young to have tasted yet, so my only experience so far is with the WE kits

I'm sure you'll get lots more suggestions. If not in this thread, start a new thread with your specific question about merlots.
articwater said:
I'll try a merlot next - any real dry ones you would recommend? Might try one of the all juice or other brands.


Give George a call he'll help you out.

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