New wine Maker SG at 1.050 should I bottle?

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In Vino Veritas
Aug 15, 2013
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So on May 27 I started some wine made from welches 100% White grape peach frozen concentrate and because I didn't know any better at the time I started off with a SG of 1.12 have racked 3 Times and the last 2 times my SG has stayed at 1.005 how much longer should I wait to bottle? The wine is very clear. smells and tastes ok for juice concentrate wine I guess. this was my first batch of wine, so I am new at this :) appreciated your help
If it is not dropping sediment for at least sixty days, is clear (can see newsprint thru carboy) and degassed you can move to bulk aging phase, a good total of six months to a year from pitch date. Personally, for this one I would not consider bottling until at least six months. You can stabilize (sorbate plus k-meta) and sweeten it up if further needed closer to bottling.

Is SG at 1.005 or 1.050?
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how much wine you making, and how much sugar did you add when you started. have you calibrated your hydrometer...

good to see you posting again sara
check your hydro reading 3 days in a row..if its the same, your done..rack and wait for clearing as sara said.
1 gal,


3 cans concentrate
1 1/4lb sugar
1 tsp pectic enz
1 tsp yeast nutrient
yeast 71b-1122

not sure how to calibrate the hydrometer... so no I guess
the sugar level is light, which is why the sg is will not be a very high abv..but it will be wine...thats good.
as sara said....let it clear, then you have the options of 1. bulk aging and bottling, are 2. adding campden are same, and sorbate, back sweeting , clearing and bottling...
how to calibrate your hydrometer is here .
Several ways are acceptable for the home vinter but I find this formula easiest. It won't be exact but you will be pretty close. (From Wikepedia)

Express your starting Specific Gravity (SG) & finished SG as a whole number.
SG start - SG final / 7.36

So you started @ 1.12 and finished @ 1.005

Here is how it works... 1120 - 1005 / 7.36 (the magic number) = 15.625 (finished ABV.

I am kinda questioning the initial specific gravity measurement. I will check my recipes and see how it compares but I have used the same peach concentrate before and what you have made is basically lighter fuel. (it will age that way / trust me)... You will likely have to backsweeten considerably to get the peach taste to come back through.

If you do backsweeten make sure to stabilize with KMeta & Sorbate before adding your sweetener. FYI 2 If you are stable you will not effect the final ABV.

As a precaution to prevent bottle eruption make sure to leave in bulk for at least a few days and ensure it does not take off (ferment more) again.
Looks like you have everything pretty much the way I had it.

My Bad....Checked my recipe and I used less sugar (1lb) but used 4 cans White Grape Peach Concentrate and the initial SG is right up there @ 1.12 / 1.13 range on separate batches.

Also was my earlier versions of peach using whole peaches that produced the lighter fuel batches (which BTW were consumed anyway).

Must be getting old. Memory a little foggy or maybe its the wine....

BTW 2. James link for ABV calc hit pretty close to the same numbers. Easy plug & play to use. To be exact requires much more expensive equipment than the home vintner is likely to buy.
the sugar level is light, which is why the sg is will not be a very high abv..but it will be wine...thats good.

James: Why do you think the sugar is light? She had a starting gravity of 1.12 - pretty high. Sitting at 1.005 now, I come up with an ABV of almost 15.3%.

how do I calculate how much abv it will be?

Another way is (starting SG-finishing SG)*133

So, (1.12-1.005) = 0.115; (0.115*133)=15.295%
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thanks! Yeah I have made some other batches with less SG so they should come out at 8%, It smells of Alcohol for sure! Hubby keeps teasing me about making moonshine hehe