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Jan 10, 2009
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Hi Everyone,

I want to introduce myself to you. I'm new to the forum and to wine making. I do feel like I know most of you because I've been reading most of your posts for the past year. Everyone here sounds like that have a great deal of knowledge in wine making. I hope to be like that someday.

13 days ago I started my Renaissance Unlimited Edition Wine Kit.
I completed the First racking on day 5 when my reading was 1.018. The bubbles going through the airlock have slowed down a great deal.
On Day 10 (Saturday) I got nervous and took a reading. It was 0.996. Occasionally, now and then an air bubble will go through the airlock.
Yesterday, Day 12, I took another reading. Again it was 0.996.

Does this sound normal? I've never done this before so I don't have anything to compare it to.


Welcome Larry. Glad you finally joined and introduced yourself. What you are describing is perfectly normal. Continue to follow the instructions as directed and you will be well on your way to a very nice wine. Don't rush things and let it get some age on it. You will be rewarded later.
Welcome Larry, this is very normal. Your wine is done fermenting and giving off C02 now. You can go on to next step in the procedure now. Glad you came here.
Hi there Larry! I'm a new winemaker myself - glad you found this site, and no need to be nervous as there are a LOT of experienced winemakers who will steer you in the right direction over here.

Welcome Aboard!

- GL63
The Next step tells me to wait to fermentation is complete at 0.995 or less (around Day 20) and no more bubbles go through the air lock. That hasn't happened yet. Like I said, yesterday the reading was 0.996. So do you think it would be safe to try to get as close as I can to day 20, but still rely on the hydrometer reading than on the days specified?
Welcome to the forums. Glad to have you here. It has already been pointed out but just wanted to add my assurance that everything is going well for you. Sounds like you are well on your way to success!
If the sg has not dropped in days then your wine is stable, the air bubbles are C02 but waiting till 20 days is up will not hurt 1 bit. That being said, you could go on to the next step. Did you calibrate your hydrometer and also adjust for temp difference? It is surely not unheard of that a wine does not ferment to the exact sg given and rarely does.
No problem at all here....

You just have NWM Syndrome...New Wine Maker Syndrome, the symptoms are worry and obsessive desire to read instructions over and over to see if you missed extreme desire to do *something*...some of the visible signs for family and friends to watch out for is when they see the winemaker staring at the carboy for long periods or noticing the winemaker making frequent and furtive exits from the dinner table, the bedroom and tv room to sneak a peek at the developing wine. Additionally the patient will be noticed as not hearing others speak to them, constant loss of train of thought and slight loss of appetite.

There is no cure for this while it is going on, but it is not terminal and the problems and obsession wanes with subsequent wine making

For the family and friends there can be some painful side effects, they often experience a feeling that thye have lost a friend or loved one.

Forums like this provide much needed 'intervention' for all parties concerned.

its all in Wikipedia if you dont believe me
I just checked my table that came with my hydrometer. My wine is staying in the range of 68-70 degrees. So I guess there is no correction.
Al Fulchino said:
No problem at all here....

You just have NWM Syndrome...New Wine Maker Syndrome, the symptoms are worry and obsessive desire to read instructions over and over to see if you missed extreme desire to do *something*...some of the visible signs for family and friends to watch out for is when they see the winemaker staring at the carboy for long periods or noticing the winemaker making frequent and furtive exits from the dinner table, the bedroom and tv room to sneak a peek at the developing wine. Additionally the patient will be noticed as not hearing others speak to them, constant loss of train of thought and slight loss of appetite.

There is no cure for this while it is going on, but it is not terminal and the problems and obsession wanes with subsequent wine making

For the family and friends there can be some painful side effects, they often experience a feeling that thye have lost a friend or loved one.

Forums like this provide much needed 'intervention' for all parties concerned.

its all in Wikipedia if you dont believe me

Sounds like somebody I know!
"dont ask for who the bell tolls for thee"
- Jonathan Donne (sp?)

has there ever been a new winemaker who didnt have NWMS?
Al, I've been doing this for almost 2 years and my NWM symtoms have not subsided. Is this something I should worry about?
Dear Ron, I n order to evaluate your condition and give you a prognosis I need to hear from you what your winemaking history is....sit down on the couch...and spill your beans my good man...
Al Fulchino said:
Dear Ron, I n order to evaluate your condition and give you a prognosis I need to hear from you what your winemaking history is....sit down on the couch...and spill your beans my good man...

And bring a few bottles.............................. Very important if you want to overcome your NWS (like I can talk, been doing this for 7 months now)
rrussell said:
Al, I've been doing this for almost 2 years and my NWM symtoms have not subsided. Is this something I should worry about?

no, rrussell, there's nothing to worry about regarding NWM. As a winemaker for almost 15 years, let me assure you it does subside. But then you become afflicted with a much greater mental illness: OWD -- Obsessive Winemaking Disorder. You spend every day and night thinking of unique recipes. You venture into the outer limits and make things like celery wine. Your wife gripes constantly about the carboys and fermenters in her living room, bathtub, kitchen, etc. She's especially peeved about the wine stains in the grout of her kitchen tile. And apparently there is no successful recovery program or medication to alleviate this mental illness.
Gee!!!, ......Maybe I need to get out while I still can?

Just kidding!!!It is too late for me. It is fun, inexpensive and as long as your wine cellar is full you will always have friends. It is when your cellar runs dry that you find out who your real friends are.
Al, of course!!!! But less nervous when I asked for help on this Forum!!
Uavwmn - same with me!

DFW Wino - what you have is OCD that has spilled over intothe wine making area of your life...often misdiagnosed as NWMS...yes it is also often confused w what is commonly called OWD -- Obsessive Winemaking Disorder. And the reason for that is as you make wine and share your fun and passion you make new friends and these new friends only see this side of you and think that is this is all you is a case of type casting someone based on the specific behavior witnessed so it is easy to not see that this is also evident in the rest of your life...the trouble is that nowadays ALL you do is winemaking, so no one can view this compulsiveness in other areas of your life.

In order to cure this, always start w the most recent compulsivness and to work your way back thru each compulsion until we can get to the root of things, commence taking wine baths immediately.....submerge yourself in a tub or vat of wine each evening for the next thirty days for two hours at a time...the cost of this will be prohibitive and that will help give you the *shock* to your psyche needed to impart a strong emotional trauma needed to overwhelm the pleasure trauma you experience from enjoying the wine making and drinking as much as you do....this effort is all part of an effort to actually reverse conditioning....equally powerful will be the new color in you skin ( did i say you must use red wine? you do), this is the second part in a three part program designed to free you from your conditioning. Your new skin color will defrock you of family, friends and might be asking how losing friends etc can help, but you see you have been given a lot of attention since you were a baby, in effect you were empowered and emboldened to keep *wanting* things and the approval and pats on the head encouraged you to continue on until the cycle was an out of control spiral .....this is not your fault...this has been laid upon you...but YOu do have the responsibility to help yourself here.

Fortunately the withdrawal and correctionperiod coincides exactly with the shedding of dead skin cells...usually about two weeks...the skin naturally sheds and you regain your former appearance.....but enduring the loss of love and attention not only shocks you but makes you frugal and interested in living a spartan life...your friends and family will marvel at the change and have a new found will have trimmed your wine making needs permitting you enough time to lead a more balanced life, and losing the wine cololred skin will also stop the kids from repeatedly asking mommy if you are really their daddy

even your speech patterns will change, for an unexplained reason ( to you), you will walk around saying to complete strangers..."everything in moderation, everything in moderation, everything in moderation..." they will run from you, their is a good aspect to this, pan handlers will stop bothering you.

your children will stop bringing friends home, but that can be a good thing sometimes...

anyways, enough for thing at a time....see you in two!