New member from Alabama

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Jan 18, 2011
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Just found the forum a day or so ago and have been impressed with all the discussions. I have been making muscadine wine for about 4 years now and have also made a dozen or so kits in the past couple of years.

Any other members here from south Alabama?
Welcome to the forum... As you can see it is full of information. If you have questions just jump on and ask, and someone will respond.
Welcome to the forum. Lot's of great people and help here. There has been so much discussion about muscadine lately we my want to have an exchange of muscadine wines for critic and to see what everyone elses taste like.

I think I may start a thread.
i'm from Alabama, but not Auburn.

Welcome and be sure to visit the map to see where other members live and add yourself.
Welcome to the forum. You're going to love it here. I'm brand new myself.

Hey AUwiner, I'm originally from middle GA but living in HI for 23 years. New to winemakeing also. I'm having Isons Vineyard ship me 6 different variety of muscadine vines to see if they will grow here. We stock up on muscadine wine everytime we visit GA.
From the North end of the state. There are a few of us bama'ers on here. Welcome to the forum. Lots of experience here. Hopefully one day, we can legally homebrew in this state.....

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