New Label

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Senior Member
Aug 15, 2006
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This reminds me of you, Jobe but I don't know why!
Maybe you can see right through him! he he he! Awesome label Joan but its what we expect from you know. If you ever post 1 thats not good(yeh, like that will ever happen) we're gonna be all over you like white on rice!
Am I that transparent

Or perhaps it's because I live in the south, tobacco. Next town over from us is Tobaccoville. That were the RJR plant is.
Is that a promise, Wade? I sure hope it is!! I am always open to suggestions!!! Always!
Joan how about that effect using some Chardonnay leaves? It might be too busy though. Here is a leaf you can experiment with.
Arrrgh! I can't get it to look right. Must be I'm too tired.
I tried the one you sent, Appleman and I just couldn't work it the way I wanted so found something else.

Those leaves up above came from AllPosters and it's called Chardonnay...I have no idea why tho.

How's the amended label?

Very nice Joan...those grapes are just glowing...will look nice on a clear bottle ofglowing wine...
How do you know what %pv you are bottling? I would like to add this to my labels but don't know how to figure it out. haha
Joan: Those labels are beautiful as always....

uavwnm: I do this

(SG Start X 1000) - (SG End X 1000)
Hey Joan,

Are you using Photoshop for that shaded effect with the granite top and bottom? If so, could you give me a quick tutorial on how to get that effect?

Thanks for your help.

Hi Al! Welcome to the forum!!

Yes, I used Photoshop. Love it! I started with 2 solid darker than the other and used the Dry Brush filter under "Filter" on each layer. All the filters have sliders so you can make adjustments. Try all the filters you have and play with them. You may find a filter you either like more or can use with something else. Keep as much as you can on separate layers as that will give you the most flexibility...for instance there may be a time where you want to filter all of the background or just a part of it.

Let me know if that works or if it doesn't. I'm always more than happy to help. I'd love to see what you're working on!

Love your signature!
I can not take full credit for the sig block. My son helped me out emensly on it. Them dang farts are smarter than us at this computer junk.

This is what I am working on now. I have not yet got it quite like I would like it, but we are getting there. Now I just have to figure out what I am going to name the wine...... "GRAPE WINE" sounds a bit ... uhhm.... hillbilley for me.


PS... look at the two pic's here... .is it obvious my fav color is purple??Edited by: Alstang1
That's a beauty, Al!!!

LOL I think I answered the wrong question for you! I was talking about the first label in the thread. Something tells me you were talking about the second label! It looks as tho you figured out how to make the eraser tool really big and turn down the opacity and flow to fade out the parts you want to fade out. Nice!

Did you use the eyedropper tool to set the color of your text layers? It's a handy thing to use and you know your color will be an exact match!
Your label looks good to me.I just wish I had the Skills to make nice labels like that.

Happy new year
