Nasty Wines

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Nov 12, 2005
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Smurfe's post that follow a bit made me start thinking. I bet we have all made a nasty disgusting wine before. So that newbies understand even though a lot of us have advanced our winemaking, we have pretty much all created a truly nasty wine before. First Smurfe's post

<TABLE style="TABLE-LAYOUT: fixed" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=3 align=center ="tableBorder"><T>
<TD vAlign=top rowSpan=4 ="msgableSide"><A name=99065></A>smurfe
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<TD vAlign=top ="msgableRow"> Posted: Today at 9:19am</TD></TR>
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<DIV style="OVERFLOW: auto" ="msg">The Curvee will ferment to dry. From what I see you are pretty well on the money and should have no issue. I will throw another thing into the yeast discussion. Many will want a wine to finish with some residual sweetness and will use for example the Cote des Blancs yeast believing it's low alcohol tolerance will wither out. I will say that I have used this strain a few times and it fermented to dry every time. I used it in a batch of raspberry last that I misread my hydrometer (read 1.089 when it was really 1.189)and had a much higher SG than I though. I found out my mistake after fermentation started and I checked the SG with another hydrometer and the reading was higher than when I started. I then realized my mistake and didn't want to dilute. The wine ended up around 20% alcohol and is indeed rocket fuel. They yeast fermented down to 0.090 Even with a ton of back sweetening this wine was nasty. </TD></TR>
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<DIV style="OVERFLOW: auto" ="msgSignature">Brewing on the Bayou in Gonzales Louisiana

Civella Wines and SwampWater Beers

Meet Me At MySpace </TD></TR>
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Now let's share some of our worst wines with others so that the new winemakers out there can see we all make mistakes and we can learn from each other.

Did I ever make a wine I would only serve to my enemies? Sure!

When I first began making wine years ago, someone gave me some raspberries. Well naturally I made a gallon of wine from it and it turned out great! I still had some raspberries left, so in the freezer they went. Well I didn't get enough more for a full batch. What else could I use to stretch it? I had quite a few strawberries and a couple 3 pound bags of frozen peaches. Hmmmmmm. That sounds good. A nice fruit punch wine. So I mixed up the raspberries, strawberries and peaches. It fermented vigorously and had a ton of sludge in the bottom. I hadn't put the fruit in a bag. Fermentation lasted a few weeks and I didn't rack off the crap at the bottom, figuring I wanted to extract all that nice flavor. Finally bubbling subsided so I decided to rack................ WWWWHHHHOOOOOAHHHH Nellie. What a disgusting smell greeted me. Sort of a combination of rotten egg, and rotted manure! YYYYUUUUCKKKKK.

Well I racked it off and tried a bit of the wine by holding my nose. OH MY GOD! That was disgusting. I just couldn't bring myself to dumping it so I racked it off into a clean carboy added k-meta and topped up. I let it age and racked a few times. It never improved in taste and to this day still tastes as disgusting as ever. Anybody want some truly disgusting wine? Try a batch of that stuff!

This has been a true story and if you are brave enough- share yours with the rest of us!
Many years ago when I started making wine my wife only liked swet wines. (now she only likes dry..go figure) So I started with a White Zinfandel kit. That turned out just ok for her. So, next batch I made I wanted to back sweeten. I was talked into using wine conditioner. BIG MISTAKE. When I added it I made it "to sweet". So guess what it tasted like a few months later...

Yep! it tasted like cough medicine. I found out a few things from there. One is be carefull how much you add and how to make simple syrup.

Later I learned how to make a F-PAC. That made all by fruit wines much better,especially my Strawberry and Blueberry wine. Now all our wine club members makes it for their fruit wines. We have won MANY awards since...
Yes it is !

Nah.. It was already posted on a different thread.
Lets see what some of the others use for a f-pac beforeI repost.
Back in my first foray into wine making twenty-some years ago I decided to make a plum wine. So I went to the grocery store, bought about 5 lbs of plums and made some wine. The plums weren't really ripe. They were, however, very acidic. The net result was a wine high in acid and low in abv. I didn't even know in those days about using sg to determine sugar addition. There was, of course, no internet back then.
A long long time ago...
In a land not far away....
I grew a bumper crop of strawberries.....
Remembering my German Grandma made Strawberry Wine...
[To which she added Vodka before drinking]
I thought I could do it too...
Took out a 10 gallon crock....
Added Strawberries, sugar and bread yeast...
Covered with a fabric....and waited...
Tasted along the way..
Drank it along the way...
Then....bottled some in Chianti bottles.....
Had some sort of cork in it....
Opened a bottle one day....
The cork hit the ceiling and blew apart....
A small smoke like plume came out of the bottle...
Like there was a Genie coming out ....
Poured us each a glass....
I didn't like mine...
Jim, not wanting to be wasteful...
Drank his and mine...
Later he had green coming out of both ends....
I almost killed him.....
Waited near 30 years before ever making wine again....
This time I read books, asked questions and studied....
Now...The wine is good....and....
Life is Good!!!!
Northern Winos said:
Many years ago...
Opened a bottle one day....
The cork hit the ceiling and blew apart....
A small smoke like plume came out of the bottle...
Like there was a Genie coming out ....
Poured us each a glass....
I didn't like mine...
Jim, not wanting to be wasteful...
Drank his and mine...
Later he had green coming out of both ends....
I almost killed him.....

What an image that conjurs up!

Great story. Wish you had pictures... NOT! Looks like you have come a long way since.
PeterZ said:
Back in my first foray into wine making twenty-some years ago I decided to make a plum wine. So I went to the grocery store, bought about 5 lbs of plums and made some wine. The plums weren't really ripe. They were, however, very acidic. The net result was a wine high in acid and low in abv. I didn't even know in those days about using sg to determine sugar addition. There was, of course, no internet back then.

You sure Al Gore hadn't invented it at that point??
I made a Black Chery Pinot Noir one time and I had a pretty bad cold at the time but took a taste and decided my cough medicine tasted better. Waited a couple of weeks to get over the cold and still the cough medicine tasted better. Over the next few months I kept tasting it and there was no change. Glad I was not sick that long! My sister loved it and we gladly gave her the whole batch. She still has a couple of bottles left, but I really would rather take the cough medicine then see if that stuff has improved.
I'm going thru the same thing with my chokecherry wine. It is only 3 months old and I have only tried 1 bottle. so far it is a big disappointment. Tasted very bitter. Hopefully time will heal!
Besides me being cheap and trying to stretch out a few of the Vintners cans to more then recipes stated and ending up with weak flavor wines when I started the only 1 that I think came out terrible was the ancient orange mead in which I used wine yeast but I think it was the amount of cloves that made it disgusting to me, dont know if Ill ever do it again but if i ever do it will not have any cloves in it!
ah.....dont tell anyonne about this, but when i got back into wine making i had forgotten my share of things (and also didn't really know a bigger share of things
) and that wine to this very day finishes fermenting in you stomach when you dare drink it

I am not really sure why i keep the remaining stock...everything about it is bad from the wine to the labels...i think there are are still 4 dozen bottles left
hannabarn said:
I'm going thru the same thing with my chokecherry wine. It is only 3 months old and I have only tried 1 bottle. so far it is a big disappointment. Tasted very bitter. Hopefully time will heal!

I made a batch of ChokeCherry wine once and decided to use up all the left over fruit in the was just too strong....

That's one type of fruit wine where a little less is better.
My first attempt at using an acid titration kit resulted in a horrible wine. I was still fairly new to winemaking and I was making a 1 gallon batch of wine from fresh plums. I did not read the directions on the acid test kitcorrectly and I re-tested juice samples about 3 or 4 times before I figured it must be telling me the truth. Long story short I dumped about8 teaspoons of acid blend into a 1 gallon batch! Experience tells me now that no wine, no matter how acid deficient the ingredients, will ever need8 teaspoons of acid blend per gallon. It was so sour it put tears in my eyes. Being the miser that I am, I couldn't bring myself to dump it so I watered it down.....way down. I added some vodka to bring the alcohol back up and dumped in some cherry flavoring that I ordered from George. The acid level was still too high, the vodka was definitely detectable and the cherry flavoring gave it a "metallic" aftertaste. A really, really bad metallic aftertaste. I bottled it and left it on the shelf for over 2 years. It was still so nasty after 2 years that I simply had to dump it out. The bottles had such a thick sticky layer on the inside (probably from the flavoring) that I couldn't even get them clean again. Had to throw those too.
TEPE tell the people how F/pacs /extracts and simple syrup came about remember in Jan?
i my self have made every wine making mistake possible created massive volcano's.burnt out wine created rocket propellant because of my use of fpac, frustration with fermentation,even after chemicalization (not quite enough) not taking good notes or better know as none,breaking 12 gal.demijohns washing them ,pulling very deep vacuums (experimenting with degassing),yes if theirs anything i,ve left out please fell free to add it to the list,with all the above happening who had the time to taste the wine????????