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Senior Member
Aug 5, 2005
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I decided that my first wine for 2008 will be a Muscadine. It will be a 6 gallon batch and the recipe I am using is as follows:

42lbs. Muscadines
6 Campden Tablets
5 Tbsp Yeast Nutrient
6lbs Wildflower Honey
1/4 Tsp Liquid Pectic Enzyme

I elected to use the traditional method of fermenting on the skins for this batch instead of steam juicing so my first step was thawing out the Muscadines which I actually started Friday evening.


Got them all processed early yesterday morning


Dissolved and added the honey and Campden tabsto the must. Stirred well and let it set until this moning at which time I added my Yeast Nutrient and Pectic Enzyme.
As you can see, with both strainer bags of the pulp in the primary I am just about too full.

I will more than likelydivide this into two primaries, let it ferment until I get ready torack it to glassand then I will consolidate both back together.

My starting SG was a bit high 1.104@ 72 degrees and I may add a bit more water when I divide the batch between the two primaries. My plans are to have my yeast ( Montrachet) ready and as the last few seconds of 2007 tick off I will begin adding the yeast to my first batch of 2008. I will wait until late this evening, check the SG again and make a final determination at that time.

Edited by: Waldo
Sure looks good there Waldo, pics of the yeast going in as the ball drops would be nice.
You certainly are taking your first wine of 2008 seriously! Are you staying up until after midnight, or just gonna get up a few minutes early?

It should turn out great Waldo. You seem to have those Muscies down to a science.
Looks to me like your jumping the gun there Waldo, oh excuse me your going by kangroo time, they didn't specifiy that in the rules. Looking good there Waldo. Tomy

Happy New Year Everyone
If you don't want to add water you could use a higher alc. yeast another option is use your current yeast and make a sweet wine.
Waldo: Just curious, do you get your muscadine grapes from a market in season or have a gooood friend for your source? I will be getting my wine kit Tuesday & will have to try some muscadine this fall. If my memory is correct you also had a great thread on blueberry a while back.

I was going to start a muscadine for my next batch also. Just waiting for a rainy weekend to steam juice the musc. Have you ever tried steam juicing & adding the skins, anyway. I wonder how that would go?
Honey & Muscadines, that just sounds yummy. Have you tried this before?
Thanks All !!!

appleman...I am going to stay up and see the new year in

bonvec...... I dont want it to finish off much above 11-12% and believe I am fruit heavy enough that I can add a bit more water and not degrade the quality of the wine too much. That is my hopes anyway.

rem1 ....I picked these from a vineyard last fall. This is the last of whatI had

bj......have added the skins after steaming but could not tell it helped any as they are pretty much void of any goodies after steaming

wade...Have never tried the honey in a Muscadine but I have a good "gut" feeling about the outcome
Congratulations Waldo...You for sure have started the FIRST wine for 2008....adding the yeast at one can top that....YA-HOO!!!!

I'm lost Waldo....... Your gonna pitch the yeast at Midnight?.....

Will you just be getting up to do that or just going to bed?

My hats off to ya buddy for planning ahead. Had I'd known you were going to do that, I would have taken mine out of the freezer and I could have followed along.

Instead, I'm doing a French Chardonnay, a Piesporter and a Watermelon Merlot.
And Waldo, to compliment your Muscadine, we will be starting a batch of choke cherry tomorrow!
Happy New Year Everyone !!!
The yeast has been pitched on the Muscadine !!
Life Is Good....All Is Fine !!!
Waldo, I know nithing about muscadines, but when I showed your posts to my sister, she said she would get me some (she lives in Northern GA). Question, why did you add the honey?

Good luck and Happy New Year!
uavwmn said:
Jobe, which brand Piesporter are you going with?

I have a Vino Del Vida kit right now that I will be starting. It's a little different from my last kit. Ths one comes with a packet hat contains about a cup of what looks like it could e a sweetener with the elderflowers (not many) in it.

The last kit I did 2 years ago, don't know which one it was right now but I can see if I still have the paper work, came with dried elderflowers that you added during the fermentation process.
K&GB said:
Waldo, I know nithing about muscadines, but when I showed your posts to my sister, she said she would get me some (she lives in Northern GA). Question, why did you add the honey?

Good luck and Happy New Year!

Thanks K&GB....I love to experiment and therefore I used the honey instead of sugar soley on my gut feeling that it would possibly enhance the Muscadine once fermented. I may be totally wrong and only time will tell whether I am onto something or just blew a 6 gallon batch of Muscadine.
I did end up slpitting it into two batches as I was a little leery of pitching the yeast in the single primary at the level it was at. Anyway, fermentation has begun. A little slow right now as the must temp is only at 70 degrees.

