Muscadine Wine Question

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Aug 5, 2011
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I have a muscadine wine that is now been bulk aged around 4 months. I pulled a little off today and gave it a taste and wasn't overly impressed.I used campden tablets and K sorbate a week ago to back sweeten a little. Today after that week wait I took some out and tasted it and it has a really good taste at the begining and a really stout back taste. More like a real alcohol or slight sharpness to it. Any ideas how to fix this. This is my first muscadine and the recipe I had from a individual only called for a gallon of crushed grapes to this 5 gallon batch. From reading on here that is way off on what is suggested. Could this be a slight problem? My starting SG was 1.090 and was racked twice and allowed to go dry. My tartic acid is .60%.I backsweetened to 1.008. Don't get me wrong, this wine is drinkable, just now exactly what I was thinking.

Thanks for any advice on helping a newbie,

Not nearly enough Muscadines for a 5 gallon batch Clark. One thing you might try is just let this batch continue bulk aging and find you some bottled Muscadine juice and add to it or make up your own by either steam juicing them if you have a steamer available or just crush them, add some pectic enzyme and let them set for about 12-14h hoursthen place in a large pot, just covering themwith water. Bring to a rolling boil then let simmer for about 30-40 minutes. Let it cool down then strain through a strainer bag and pour up into a couple of gallon jugs and let them set, in the refrigrator for a couple of weeks, allowing sediment to fall out of suspension. Add this to your primary fermenter, rack the 5 gallon off into it. Stir it up good and rack it back into your carboy and gallon jugs and let it bulk age until it clears.

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