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Welcome Bill. Try not to get any cat hair in the wine.

Thanks for the welcome!

Too late on the warning ofcat hair in the wine. How about the whole cat in the primary fermenter.
Aloha Bill,

Welcome to the forum! That's a tiger in a cats jacket!

Edited by: Maui Joe
Hi, my name is Tony and I live is South East Florida. I have never been much of a wine drinker until recently.
My wifehas always loved wine and has taught me how to enjoy it.
I am a retired Engineerfrom a large chemical company and enjoy the sunnySouth.I am about to start my first batch, but have one question before I do:

Due to time constraints, (I will be away on a long vacation), I will need to keep my second stage fermintation in the carboy for about two and one half months. Will this be a problem? Will the wine absorb any of the taste from the spent yeast? I have the waterless airlock, so I don't worry about the water drying out during this period. I am very new to winemaking and don't want to damage my first kit. The kit is Cellar Classic Merlot.
Welcome to the forum, Tony. I hope you enjoy the posts.

Regarding your question, your wine will be fine in the seconday fermenter while you are on vacation. Be sure to fill your airlock before you leave. Depending on various factors, the water in the airlock might evaporate, so if you have someone who could check the water level every 2-3 weeks, that would be optimal. In addition, be sure to store you carboy in the coolest spot in your home.

When you get back your wine will be ready to stabilize. By the way, I have left mine in the secondary for over 3 months will no ill effects. The important racking is the first one to get your wine under an airlock. After that, the schedule is flexible, as long as you don't perform the remaining steps ahead of the recommended schedule.

my name is corey, and i've been reading around the forum for a few months and just joined a few weeks ago... thanks a million to Goerge and Scott for runnning this venture, it has definately be a pleasurable addition to the winemaking experience.... going through my first two kits right now, so who knows what will happen, and will hopefully jump into fresh juice in September... i'll work on a picture, don't have any digital ones, but i think there's a picture on my college's website at ... follow athletics, and football, and i'm the coach thats named corey

Edited by: masta
Welcome Corey and I helped ya out and posted your mug from college website...hope that was!

I enjoyed your bio on site...wish you the best with the team.

A warm welcome to Tony also.....hope you have a great vacation!

Glad to have you both aboard our forum and we are here to help you anyway we can.


Pic of new computer workstation we added at home where the wife and I can both be using the computers at the same time.....I get the bigger screen!


Edited by: masta
but the smaller glass.


Asthey say in Texas, "Your Mighty Welcome". I have always wanted to say that! I am a transplanted Okie, via Kansas, North Carolina, Massachusetts, Colorado, Washington (state), Alaska and Arizona.

Glad to have you on board and if we can ever help, all you have to do is ask!
Corey, Welcome! Glad to have you here and know that I am very jealous that's you're in Florida and I'm stuck way up North!

Masta, watch those wine glasses! If they get bumped and spill into the key boards that's alcohol abuse and you'll need to be reported!
thanks Scott, it might have taken me 3 years to figure out how to get that picture up... and i don't age as well as the creshendo kits, so at least i have some hair in this picture
Greetings folks, my name is John, and I have been making wine for five years. I come by it honestly, both my Dad and his father made "country" wine... dandelion and elderberry were favorites...and my ancestors are listed in the Kirchenbuch of the Reformed Consistorie of Metz as being "Vigneron" in Lorry (Lorraine, FR) in the 16th and 17th centuries.

I'm kinda lucky, because I only live about 7 or 8 miles from George's shop, so I get to visit and pick out a new "toy" now and again.

My Wine Room...With Purchased Wine, Wine I've made, and some "work in progress".

The two on the right are from the 2003 own blend I call "Deux", About 65% Las Brisas (Sonoma) Merlotand 35% Sonoma Mt. Cabernet Franc. The ones on the left are from 2004 and look like they're going to be my best yet.

The bottles w/no capsules are mine. Up to now I've made all my wine with crushed/frozen must from Peter Brehm in California. But the older I get, the harder it gets...fermenting, pressing, racking, and bottling 400 to 500 pounds of must by youself is a lot of work. As you saw above, this year I only bottled half of my 2003s, I still have another 50 bottles to go. So maybe I'll ease over to Georges and pick up a pressing and only 30 bottles to put up at a time.
Welcome pics and tell all your friends to stop bye and see George!
Nice pictures John...looks like you are hooked on this wine making to....enjoy..

wine making more than a hobby
My name is Brian. I have been following this forum since it started and winepress for about 2 years.

I've been making wine for about two years. I got hooked when we went to Napa for a vacation.

I live on 6 acres in West Bend wisconsin and have aboutr 270 Minnesota bred grape vines growing. Another year and I can make my own wine.

I am currently a self employed custom home builder/land developer. ( or otherwise alway's short on cash flow).

I am married and have two teenage boys.

Will have to get them to show me how to post a picture.

I have an Island mist going, a Piesporter, and a Chablis from WE.
geocorn said:
Nice looking cellar, John. If you need a taster, I am always available.

Gee thanks George. Sort of reminds me of the "Little Red Hen" story. I notice you didn't say "if you need help pressing or racking or bottling..."