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You are most welcome. I don't want to intrude on the fun of making the wine, so I offer my humble services as a taster.
Hi everyone,

My name is Ramona Ellison, I recognize others I have read on other forums so I feel like I know a few of you. I'm from wild, wonderful, W.Va but have been in Houston, Tx for almost 20 years now. My dad has been making wine since I've been a little girl so I've always had an interest but just now getting around to getting involved and I love it!!! I'm on my 4th kit in a day or so. Bought a Gerwurtztraminer from geocorn and looking forward to that. Also ready to start some blackberry(Texas dewberries) so I will be getting with Glenvall on that. I have a sig other who is in wine sales at Spec Liquors and Fine Foods here in Houston so we get to try what ever comes across our minds. I've been looking at your site too and like the fact that you are here in Texas. There is only one supply store here, Defalco's, but it is a ways away from me. I want to try some of the wierd stuff too, like Martina and just have fun!!!
Welcome Ramona and thanks for the order!

We have some extremely knowledgable and helpful wine makers, hereand it sounds like you have some experience to bring, as well. The forum is here to help you out and meet other wine makers, but if you ever need me, I am just a phone call away. As anyone, I like to talk to my customers.

I hope you enjoy our forum.
Thank you, Just trying to figure out where Carrollton is from Houston. Any good camping or fishing there?

Carrollton is in North Dallas off of I-35, about a 4-5 hour drive from you, depending on where you live in Houston. I am not an outdoors person, so I really can't comment on camping and fishing, but I have heard they are some nice places to go within an hours drive.

The reason you only have DeFalco's is that for some reason, the Houston market has not been good for either home brew or home wine making stores. Several have tried and they have all failed, except DeFalco's. Apparently, it is a real head scratcher for Winexpert and LD Carlson, the distributor.

Here in the DFW area, there are 5 stores where you can buy home brew and home wine making supplies.There used to be more home brew stores, but that market is shrinking, while the home wine making is gowing. I am the newest store and probably the smallest. 2 of the stores focus almost exclusively on home brew. 1 store is a winery/home wine making supply store. Another one is a side business and I focus mainly on home wine makers.
Welcome Ramona and glad to have another member aboard the forum!

You just answered my curiosity about why there aren't more stores in this humungous city. I really like being able to shop on line and I think I've found my new supplier. I'm pretty small time (living in an apartment is somewhat limiting) but I'm just not happy unless i have a new batch going. I appreciate your help and I will be checking in.

Welcome Ramona! I took pics of my blackberry bramble today, in full bloom, and forgot to set the camera on low res. They are all 5MP, so way too big to post. Being related to roses, the blooms are very handsome. Oh well, maybe I can take more pics tomorrow. I am so glad you accepted the invitation!

Hi George,

I can't believe my order will be here today!!!!!already!!. I'm so glad that Glenvall invited me to your site and forum!!!

Romona, Welcome! It's great to see new members on the forum. I feel like it's a whole new group of friends!
In fact, although I live in Minnesota I work in North Dakota and today at work I got an email that a few forwards back I believe had been sent to our own George! I was scrolling down and there was his name! Computers do make the world smaller. I look forward to following your adventures in making wine!
Hi Romona there are two other shops besides Defalco's in the Houston area but I highly recommend Georges for the one on one time he will take with you to help you get what you want.
Hi everyone:

My name is Wayne and my wife and are from North Dakota, born and raised here. I had been contemplating wine making for over a year and finally took the plunge in March with a Vintner's Reserve Bergamais kit.
I discovered this site about the same time and it has been just a great source of information. I really appreciate everyone's willingness to share their expertise.

We have one grown son and a cat. We are forunate to live on a small lake on the Canadian border. I like to hunt and fish. I like to get together with my brothers in the fall for deer hunting and sausage making.

I am the only wine maker in the family so far. We are too cold for grape growing, although I did plant some Valiant grapes last year for the fun of it. The ND extension service said they will grow here but aren't good for wine. I have talked with others that have made wine from them and they say it is good. I guess good is a relative term.

I work for a small electric co-op and my wife works for a small phone co-op.

I am looking forward to getting into this hobby.
Welcome to forum, Wayne!

As you know, I will help you anyway I can, but be sure to take advantage of the knowledge we have on the forum. We have some very talented wine makers that are always ready to help.
Welcome Wayne, its a fun hobby and the rewards can be great.. HAVE FUN AND ENJOY.....

Winemaking, more than just a hobby.
Well, I've been browsing the site for a couple of days now,
so I guess that I should introduce myself.
</span>My name is Robb Sloan and I have worked in the Landscape and Nursery
industry since high school. </span>I also
worked in restaurants to help with the bills in my early to late twenties. </span>I have been interested in wines since my
first tour of Napa but didn’t realize that I could actually make good wine at
home until a couple of years ago. </span>I
waited for the right timing, but the timing is never right, so I am starting
now with Barolo.

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