Mosti Mondiale Meglioli 2008

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Senior Member
Feb 13, 2007
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Today the Meglioli is scheduled to arrive!
Been looking really forward to this one, even cleaned up the wine area a bit. Realized its looking pretty sad with all those empty carboys. Working tonight, so if it gets here and warms up, I will get her buckin' tomorrow. First wine of 2008!
Miy Meglioliarrivedtoday, too. JW- which one did you get?

I got the Amarone and was impressed with special "Limited" shrink wraps and corks, too! I am amazed that Meglioli does such a poor job of instructions that with my first one George had to include his own typed up instructions. Thanks to George!! I guess I'll use the same ones based on what came in the kit.

Thanks for the picture. We ship SOOO many boxes, but don't get to see them when they arrive. I know that most of them make it there fine, but it is reassuring to see it in a picture.


Mosti has new instructions. You should have received them with the Meglioli, if not, let me know and I will send you them.
Hi George,

Would the instructions be on top with everything else? I just got the single sheet of paper, similar to what came in my Limited Edition kit. Please do send whatever they gave or help me understand if I should dig deeper in the box? And I guess I should ask which box...the one the kit came in that was shrink wrapped or the cardboard ones with the styrofoam packing?
The instructions should be in the bag with all of the additives. I will look at the leaking Carmenere tomorrow and see what they included. Give me a call tomorrow and we can discuss it further. The Meglioli's are too good to leave to chance.
I've got to try me one of those.......But which one !!!!!
Laneygirl I too have the Amarone, made the Renaissance Amarone back in November, so guess I'll have one to compare it to. I remember how good it was smelling then I caught a cold and missed the best part of making it! The special corks and shrinks are a nice touch. Directions were in the bag of additives, nice and detailed for a change I think.

George I don't even think twice about packages from you anymore, very high quality packaging makes it trouble free every time!

I will get this one going today, has warmed up from its trip to the frozen land, post some pics later after its together.
JW, I had to giggle (Yes, the PWP can giggle) when I saw your first picture on this post. I was saying to myself, I see sediment, I see empty carboys, and then I starting thinking about the Magic Mirror on Romper Room. I see JW, I see Ramona, I see Smurfe...

Got that big ol water bed pillow out, ready to pour into fermenter...didnt spill a drop! But I did spill a couple
10 second rule let me swab it up with a finger and taste, really good!


Meantime I had the bentonite and yeast hydrating...


Got it all in , mixed bentonite,waited for foam to go downthen pitched yeast. Next...

I think it was Appleman that said Mosti's raisins tasted like Muscat, I cant tell, taste like raisins.
SG was 1.10 before addition, so I'm sure its a little higher. Was very impressed with the better instructions that came with this one, I didn't have to wing it
, also the fact there is yeast nutrient with this one, Ive often been tempted to use on a kit, never have. The addition at racking when SG is 1.040-1.050 makes a great deal of since, keep that generation of yeast happy. Thanks to the heads up from Joseph I will keep the top on loosely, and watch close, really need to break down and buy a larger fermenter...maybe after the floor corker my wife so desperately wants.

So we're off, wait until 1.040-1.050 to rack, add nutrient, and oak. Smells really great!
And now I see Penny, and George... Is that your wine fund? Do you have to pay the jug every time you open a bottle?
and what is the alcohol level of the wine you are drinking while you post, PWP?

There is actually two of those PWP, one on each side of the room. I started one as a wine fund indeed, then the Mrs. decided to start one as well, for...who knows what.



When we first started these, I was told it wasn't fair...mine had more silver in it than I padded hers with a few Georges, now, somehow, I'm told thats better!
Hi All,

I also received my kit today and am very excited to get going. I just reviewed the directions and think i have a good feel for what I will be doing however i have a question about the stirring. The directions refer to stiring the yeast mixture into suspension and I assumed I would just use a spoon to suspend the yeast and also when I'm instructed to mix each day. When it refers to strirring after racking to remove the CO2 I assume like the wine expert kits i use the drill paddle to really do a good mixin. Am I on the right track????

Yes, you are stirring the yeast right before you pitch it, to suspend it all in the liquid you re-hydrated it in, the must daily to incorporateoxygen needed by the yeast, at the end to degas. You are on the perfect track!
Right on track there In 2 Wine! JW, are those drips under the table in those pics?

Edited by: wade
JW - I'll be really interested to hear what you think about those two kits comparing. I've been really interested in this type of experiment, but still keep trying different styles instead of trying same style by same mfg in their different marketing lines.

I've never tried Amarone, but am very excited to get it started based on people's comments on this forum.

BTW...Thanks to you and George, I did find the detailed instructions in the kit with other additives. I just saw the sheet on top and hadn't inspected the package enclosed closely enough to see those.

I read them last night and think they sound pretty straight forward with a few twists from their LE kit and other kits I've made. I think I'll start it tonight or tomorrow...since it's warmed up from sitting on my frozen porch in Idaho.